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American Kennel Club's Train Your Puppy Right

American Kennel Club's Train Your Puppy Right

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Create the perfect training environment for your puppy with these simple steps! The American Kennel Club (AKC) is much more than just a few events that showcase the most skilled canines in the country. The AKC offers advice on everything from feeding and training your dog to caring for them throughout their lives. They have taken that know-how and put it into a puppy training manual that emphasizes common sense caring for puppies from before the dog arrives at its new home through its exciting and high-energy puppyhood. Whether dog owners are new and just learning the ropes of training a puppy or experienced owners that need a tune-up in all things puppy, Train Your Puppy Right offers something for everyone. For new dog owners, the book is a must. It shows how to best prepare the living space for the new pet as well as several life skills every dog owner should know and practice. These include: *How to prepare your home into a puppy-proof living space before the new arrival gets into everything *How to create a safe, inviting, and comfortable living area that your puppy can thrive and grow in *How to introduce the puppy to the rest of the family, including other pets and children *How to feed the puppy and what types of food it needs to grow up healthy and strong *Puppy grooming techniques to ensure comfort and promote good health *Simple yet complex training techniques *Advice on curbing unwanted or self-destructive behavior *Advice on troubleshooting common behavioral problems with your puppy *How to prepare the puppy for vet visits. For experienced owners, the book offers reminders of how to best position the puppy and the owners for success. As with children, raising a puppy often requires remembering the things you already know or have experienced, which makes The American Kennel Club's Train Your Puppy Right invaluable even to seasoned pros at dog training. There is not much a puppy can do that this book does not cover. Perhaps best of all, though, is that the book is not overcomplicated. The advice is easy to digest, and the various strategies, tactics, and tricks included are presented in simple language with easy-to-follow instructions. If you are looking for the easiest and most effective way to train your puppy, The American Kennel Club's Train Your Puppy Right is the book you need today. About the American Kennel Club: The organization was founded in 1884 and registers over one million dogs each year. The club sponsors over 22,000 events each year, including confirmation shows, agility events, obedience trials, and hunting and field competitions.

American Kennel Clubs Meet the Breeds

American Kennel Clubs Meet the Breeds

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The fourth edition of the best-selling new owner s breed guide, The American Kennel Club s Meet the Breeds now presents profiles and photographs of 199 breeds, representing every AKC-recognized breed. Nearly 400 color photographs on 216 pages, the new edition includes the four new breeds entering the AKC in 2014: the American Hairless Terrier, the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen, the Norrbottenspets, and the Portuguese Podengo.
Now in its fifth year, the AKC Meet the Breed(r) event, which takes place each fall in New York City, is a spectacular forum for the public to meet different breeds of dogs (and cats) in the furand to talk to experts of each breed. This publication, authorized by the American Kennel Club, proves to be an accurate, reliable buyer s guide to assist potential new owners in their selection of the right breed.
In addition to color photographs of an adult and a puppy, breed profile include an official description of the breed with specifics of size, temperament, coat, and color, along with a brief history of the breed in its homeland and the United States. As an introduction to many familiar and lesser known breeds, The American Kennel Club s Meet the Breeds offers buyer s information on how to find and select a puppy plus contacts for each breed club s rescue programs. The profiles also include expert advice on grooming, training, activity level and exercise requirements, which new owners will find valuable in helping them make a decision about which breed best suits their lifestyles and expectations.
The book begins with an introductory chapter titled Are You Ready to Be a Dog Owner?, which briefly describes the responsibilities of dog ownership, as well as the specific qualities of the breeds categorized in each of the seven AKC Groups (Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting, and Herding). Summary boxes in this chapter list the various characteristics of the dogs in each group.
The 199 breeds featured in the book are arranged alphabetically, and the profiles begin with the breed s year of AKC recognition and group classification. A resource section includes recommended books, periodicals, websites and AKC programs that new owners will find useful and informative. The book is fully indexed.
American Museum of Natural History Birds of North America

American Museum of Natural History Birds of North America

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Updated to reflect all the latest taxonomic data, American Museum of Natural History Birds of North America is the complete photographic guide to the 657 species of birds found in the United States and Canada.

Ideal for the armchair bird enthusiast or dedicated bird watcher, this book includes stunning full-color photographs revealing 657 individual species with unrivaled clarity. The 550 most commonly seen birds are pictured with plumage variations, and images of subspecies and information on similar birds are provided to make differentiation easy, from game birds and waterfowl to shorebirds and swifts to owls, flycatchers, finches, and more. You can even discover which species to expect when and where with up-to-date, color-coded maps highlighting habitation and migratory patterns.

Written by a team of more than 30 birders and ornithologists with expertise in particular species or families, and produced in association with the American Museum of Natural History, this updated and refreshed edition of American Museum of Natural History Birds of North America is the ultimate photographic guide to every bird species in the United States and Canada.

American Museum of Natural History Birds of North America

American Museum of Natural History Birds of North America

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"Birds of North America" is the ultimate family reference on the birds of the United States and Canada, in an accessible format that is perfect for field use.

Written by a team of more than 30 birders and ornithologists, each an expert on certain species or family bird groups, "Birds of North America" brings a whole new level of expertise to the birder's library, all in one category-killing volume. Information on behavior, nesting, and habitat, omitted from many field guides, is included throughout, while books on behavior don't include the wealth of identification information, in as accessible a format, as does this book.

American Museum of Natural History Pocket Birds of North America Eastern Region

American Museum of Natural History Pocket Birds of North America Eastern Region

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Profiling more than 350 of the most commonly seen birds in eastern North America, this handy photographic field guide brings each species to life on the page.

From the American black duck to the snowy owl to the American Goldfinch, high-quality photographs capture the beauty of these birds and, coupled with concise text, make identification in the wild quick and effortless. Detailed illustrations show typical plumage, comparing juvenile and adult, male and female, and appearance during the winter and summer months. No matter when you want to go birdwatching, American Museum of Natural History: Pocket Birds of North America, Eastern Region can help you locate where a certain species can be seen throughout the entire year, even during migration season.

Created in association with the American Museum of Natural History and produced in a compact and easy-to-use format, American Museum of Natural History: Pocket Birds of North America, Eastern Region is the perfect field companion for bird enthusiasts of all ages and levels of experience.

Americas Snake

Americas Snake

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There's no sound quite like it, or as viscerally terrifying: the ominous rattle of the timber rattlesnake. It's a chilling shorthand for imminent danger, and a reminder of the countless ways that nature can suddenly snuff us out.

Yet most of us have never seen a timber rattler. Though they're found in thirty-one states, and near many major cities, in contemporary America timber rattlesnakes are creatures mostly of imagination and innate fear.

Ted Levin aims to change that with America's Snake, a portrait of the timber rattlesnake, its place in America's pantheon of creatures and in our own frontier history--and of the heroic efforts to protect it against habitat loss, climate change, and the human tendency to kill what we fear. Taking us from labs where the secrets of the snake's evolutionary history are being unlocked to far-flung habitats whose locations are fiercely protected by biologists and dedicated amateur herpetologists alike, Levin paints a picture of a fascinating creature: peaceable, social, long-lived, and, despite our phobias, not inclined to bite. The timber rattler emerges here as emblematic of America and also, unfortunately, of the complicated, painful struggles involved in protecting and preserving the natural world.

A wonderful mix of natural history, travel writing, and exemplary journalism, America's Snake is loaded with remarkable characters--none more so than the snake at its heart: frightening, perhaps; endangered, certainly; and unquestionably unforgettable.

AMNH Birds of North America

AMNH Birds of North America

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The ultimate photographic guide to more than 650 species of bird found in North America.

Ideal for the armchair bird enthusiast or dedicated bird-watcher, this beautiful bird-watching book includes stunning full-color photographs of over 650 birds, revealing each species with unrivaled clarity. A lavish introduction describes bird characteristics and behavior, while stunning full-color photographs reveal individual species for easy identification. The 550 most commonly seen birds are pictured in clear, close-up photographs, with images of similar birds provided to make differentiation easy, from game birds and waterfowl to shorebirds and swifts to owls, hummingbirds, finches, and so many more.

Soar into the pages of this brilliant bird book to explore:

- 650 birds species found in the United States and Canada
- Bird profiles feature information on social behavior, nesting & feeding habits, and flight patterns.
- Full-color photographs show the adult bird in typical plumage, with male/female, juvenile, and seasonal variations
- Color-coded maps highlight resident and migratory distributions to help spotters discover which species to expect when and where
-Includes bird sound audio app for mobile phone use
- Produced in association with the American Museum of Natural History, one of the world's leading authorities on ornithology

Discover which species to expect when and where with up-to-date, color-coded maps highlighting habitation and migratory patterns. The most commonly seen species are given a whole page in the species catalog and each full-page profile includes images of plumage variations, subspecies, information on similar birds, and artworks of the bird in flight that reveal their outstretched wings. Rare birds and vagrants who occasionally stray into North America are also described. With easy-to-read accessible information provided throughout, accompanied by beautifully large illustrations, AMNH Birds of North America is a must-have book for bird-watchers of all ages and experiences, and doubling up as the perfect bird-watching gift for the budder birder in your life.

Among Chimpanzees

Among Chimpanzees

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Foreword by Jane Goodall

A former student and colleague of Jane Goodall shares stories of chimps and their heroes, and takes readers on a journey to save man's closest relative.

Unbeknownst to much of the public, chimps are in trouble: censuses show them to be extinct in four African countries and nearly so in ten others. A large percentage of the remaining populations live in unprotected, increasingly fragmented forests.

When Nancy Merrick learned these startling facts in 2009, she decided it was past time to discover the extent to which chimpanzees are at risk across Africa and what can be done. Merrick had begun working with primates in 1972 as a young field assistant in Jane Goodall's famous Gombe camp. Like the rest of the world at the time, she was swept up in the excitement of discovering the remarkable world of chimpanzees--their ability to fashion tools, their dazzling intelligence, and their complex relationships and societies. From that moment on, her human-centered worldview shifted, and she became a devoted advocate for our closest genetic relatives.

When Merrick returns to Africa decades later, she's alarmed by how much has changed. Human activity, such as agriculture and logging, has encroached on natural habitats throughout equatorial Africa, endangering chimpanzees, gorillas, and bonobos. In an effort to understand what we can do to save great apes, Merrick connects with primatologists and conservationists who are trying to protect the last great forests. Visits to some of Africa's parks, sanctuaries, and expanding agricultural areas reveal the urgency of the problems and the inspiration of the people leading the search for solutions. Along the way, Merrick demonstrates that the best hope for chimps and other great apes lies in connecting conservation to humanitarian efforts, ensuring a healthy future for animals and humans alike.

Among Chimpanzees is at once an inspiring chronicle of Merrick's personal search to learn how chimps are faring across Africa and in captivity, a crucial eyewitness account of a very critical period in their existence, and a rousing call for us to join the efforts to be a voice for the chimpanzees, before it's too late.

And a Dog Called Fig

And a Dog Called Fig

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And a Dog Called Fig is the story of one writer's life with dogs (including a frisky new puppy), how they are uniquely ideal companions for building a creative life, and some delightful tales about dogs and their famous writers

Into my writer's isolation will come a dog, to sit beside my chair or to lie on the couch while I work, to force me outside for a walk, and suddenly, although still lonely, this writer will have a companion.

An artist's solitude is a sacred space, one to be guarded from the chaos of the world, where the sparks of inspiration can be kindled into fires of creation. But within this quiet also lie loneliness, self-doubt, the danger of collapsing too far inward.

An artist needs a familiar, a companion with emotional intelligence, innate curiosity, an enthusiasm for the world beyond, but also the capacity to rest contentedly for many hours. What an artist needs, Helen Humphreys would say, is a dog.

And a Dog Called Fig is a memoir of the writing life told through the dogs Humphreys has lived with and loved over a lifetime, including Fig, her new Vizsla puppy. Interspersed are stories of other writers and their own irreplaceable companions: Virginia Woolf and Grizzle, Gertrude Stein and Basket, Thomas Hardy and Wessex--who walked the dining table at dinner parties, taking whatever he liked--and many more.

A love song to the dogs who come into our lives and all that they bring--sorrow, mayhem, reflection, joy--this is a book about steadfast friendship and loss, creativity and craft, and the restorative powers of nature. Every work of art is different; so too is every dog, with distinctive needs and lessons. And if we let them guide us, they will show us many worlds we would otherwise miss.

Includes Black-and-White Photographs

Angel Animals

Angel Animals

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Angel Animals is a collection of stories by ordinary people about the spiritual lessons and truths they've learned from animals. Part one focuses on what angel animals teach people about relationships. Part two covers how angel animals provide lessons on handling life's challenges. In part three angel animals impart lessons on death, dying, and the afterlife. Whether these animals are daily companions or creatures observed in nature, they demonstrate gratitude, survival, courage, and forgiveness. The stories are touching, humorous, and remarkably inspiring. Each one includes a meditation or a question or comment to help readers carry the spirit of these angel animals into their own lives.
Angel Animals Book of Inspiration

Angel Animals Book of Inspiration

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Some of these extraordinary true stories will make you smile and others will bring tears to your eyes, but each one will open your heart to new revelations of love in its many forms and shapes. Dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, birds, rabbits, snakes, dolphins, llamas -- the animals in this book reveal compassion, teach hope and forgiveness, or serve as a barometer to measure feelings. After reading just one of these stories, you will observe the animals in your own path with new eyes and find yourself awakening to deeper, and often startling, spiritual insights.
Angel Cats: Divine Messengers Of Comfort

Angel Cats: Divine Messengers Of Comfort

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While dogs get more credit, cats have perennially proven themselves to be every bit the equal of their canine brethren as humankind's best friend. Angel Cats, inspired by a contest authors Allen and Linda Anderson ran to find the "Best Angel Cat" story, shows the often extraordinary ways in which these fascinating creatures have responded to human need. Stories feature Paprika, the kitten that may have saved a little Hungarian girl from Russian soldiers; the cat who helped a woman make friends in a hostile workplace; the cats who acted as "pacemakers" for a sleeping woman with undiagnosed heart problems; and many more. Interwoven with the stories are brief meditations as well as fun facts about cats, such as that cats purr at the same frequency that increases bone density and strengthens and heals fractures. An "Ask Cuddles" section answers frequently asked questions about the fabulous feline.
Angel Dogs

Angel Dogs

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With a well-earned reputation as man's -- as well as woman's -- best friend, dogs have an uncanny ability to sense exactly what their human friends need. Gathered from thousands of stories Allen and Linda Anderson have received, as well as their own experiences, Angel Dogs demonstrates that dogs are not only faithful companions but also spiritual guides. Stories include the four-legged speech therapist who helped a scared boy find his voice; the dog who came "special delivery" through the mail at just the right moment in a family's life; the dog who helped guard Air Force One; dogs from the canine corps; service dogs; and many others. The book also details new scientific findings on how dogs can save lives, sniff out cancerous tumors, and warn epileptics of impending seizures. Each story is followed by a short meditation that helps readers focus on the messages of love that dogs bring to their lives.
Angel on a Leash

Angel on a Leash

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David Frei's heartwarming collection of stories about the therapy dogs in his life and the people whom they touch, Angel on a Leash celebrates the "ministry" that Frei shares with his wife, Chaplain Cherilyn Frei, the director of spiritual care at the Ronald McDonald House of New York.Frei may be the most recognizable face and name in the dog sport, as "the Voice of Westminster," the famous New York kennel club for which he has worked for the past two decades, but his true passion in dogs is therapy work.

In the book's eighteen chapters, Frei retells the stories of the everyday miracles he's witnessed his therapy dogs perform over hundreds of trips to their favorite places. Currently in his second generation of therapy dogs, Frei gives his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel "Angel" and Brittany "Grace" all the credit for the life-altering work they do cheering up ailing children at Morgan Stanley's Children's Hospital, spending time with recovering patients at NewYork- Presbyterian Hospital, and placing a paw in the hand of world-weary veterans at the Washington DC VA Medical Center.

Never sappy or sentimental, Frei's writing style is straightforward and honest with a swiftness that keeps the reader turning pages (and wiping tears). Beyond the inspiring storytelling, the book also offers practical advice to potential therapy dog handlers about how to get a dog certified with a proper registry, the responsibilities that accompany therapy work, and the importance of community involvement.

Frei's association with Westminster yielded the formation of a nonprofit organization called Angel on a Leash (the book's namesake), which Frei was the key founder. Although the organization is now a separate entity from its famous "parent," Best in Show winners of Westminster have frequently retired from the show ring into the realm of therapy work, receiving Frei's encouragement and guidance. Among the many exquisite moments captured in the book's photography section are portraits of Rufus, the Colored Bull Terrier; James, the English Spring Spaniel; and Uno, the Beagle, all supreme victors of the famous show, spending time with children on therapy visits.



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In Anima, Kapka Kassabova introduces us to the "pastiri" people--the shepherds struggling to hold on to an ancient way of life in which humans and animals exist in profound interdependence. Following her three previous books set in the Balkans, and with an increasinging interest in the degraded state of our planet and culture, Kassabova reaches further into the spirit of place than she ever has before. In this extraordinary portrayal of pastoral life, she investigates the heroic efforts to sustain the oldest surviving breeds of our domesticated animals, and she shows us the epic, orchestrated activity of transhumance--the seasonal movement, on foot, of a vast herd of sheep, working in tandem with dogs. She also becomes more and more attuned to the isolation and sacrifices inherent in the lives shaped by this work.

Weaving together lyrical writing about place with a sweeping sense of the traumatic histories that have shaped this mountainous region of Bulgaria, Kassabova shows how environmental change and industrial capitalism are endangering older, sustainable ways of living, and by extension she reveals the limited nature of so much of modern life. But shining through Kassabova's passionate, intimate response to the monoculture that is "Anthropos" is her indelible portrait of a circulating interdependence of people and animals that might point to a healthier way to live.



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This landmark photographic encyclopedia of the animal kingdom is revised with new species, images, and the latest scientific knowledge on all things animal!

DK's Animal features stunning wildlife photography of more than 2,000 of the world's most important wild mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and other invertebrates, written by 70 natural history specialists. Each animal species comes with a description, photo, distribution map, and statistics, including its conservation status.

Whilst also explaining animal biology in beautiful visual detail, Animal contains a chapter of portraits of the different types of environments that animals inhabit. For anyone who wants a reliable and enthralling reference, in which you can find the answers to everything - from why zebras are striped to how the sunbear got its name - this awe-inspiring animal book is your go-to guide!

Step inside the pages of this amazing animal encyclopedia:

- A visual catalog containing descriptions of over 2,000 animal species, with distribution maps and striking photos.
- The catalog is organized into taxa (the groups of related species that scientists use to classify animals). Each taxon has an introduction explaining which animals belong to the group and what they have in common.
- Researched, written, and authenticated by a team of over 70 zoologists and naturalists from around the globe.
- Introductory chapter describes animal biology in beautiful visual detail.
- Habitats chapter provides visual portraits of the different types of environments that animals inhabit.

A must-have volume for animal lovers of all ages, whether you're a habitual viewer of wildlife documentaries, or an enthusiastic visitor of zoos and safari parks, Animal has something for everyone to explore and love, and is sure to delight!



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View the animal kingdom up close as never before in this breathtaking title, which has already sold over 1.5 million copies.

Written by 70 specialists, it features stunning wildlife photography of more than 2000 of the world's most important wild mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and insects.

With around two million species identified to date, animals are the dominant and most varied form of life on the planet. Animal presents a representative selection, ranging from the giant baleen whale, to fast-moving predators such as sharks, big cats, and birds of prey, as well as microscopic beetles barely 1mm long and other insects. It presents some of the latest species to be described: meet the cute but elusive olinguito from South America, which was only identified in 2013, or the skywalker hoolock gibbon that was named after a Star Wars character in 2017.

Animal also explains how the earth's biodiversity is in sharp decline and the conservation projects underway to safeguard precious species. For each one, it gives a locator map and statistics, including its conservation status.

For anyone who wants a reliable and enthralling reference, in which you can find the answers to everything - from why zebras are striped or how the sunbear got its name - Animal is your essential one-stop guide.

Animal Dialogues: Uncommon Encounters in the Wild

Animal Dialogues: Uncommon Encounters in the Wild

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From one of the finest nature writers at work in America today-a lyrical, dramatic, illuminating tour of the hidden domain of wild animals.

Whether recalling the experience of being chased through the Grand Canyon by a bighorn sheep, swimming with sharks off the coast of British Columbia, watching a peregrine falcon perform acrobatic stunts at 200 miles per hour, or engaging in a tense face-off with a mountain lion near a desert waterhole, Craig Childs captures the moment so vividly that he puts the reader in his boots.

Each of the forty brief, compelling narratives in The Animal Dialogs focuses on the author's own encounter with a particular species and is replete with astonishing facts about the species' behavior, habitat, breeding, and lifespan. But the glory of each essay lies in Childs's ability to portray the sometimes brutal beauty of the wilderness, to capture the individual essence of wild creatures, to transport the reader beyond the human realm and deep inside the animal kingdom