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Relationships / Sex

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

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Combining stories, quotes, and tips from couples of all ages, this charmingly illustrated compendium gives sage advice for married couples.

Does he habitually leave his socks on the bathroom floor? Does she insist on interrupting your favourite programme to make you explain the plot (when she's clearly not interested in it anyway)?

Never fear. For, as Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall shows, a good marriage is all in the detail. Happily Ever After takes a humorous look at the ups and downs of marriage, offering sage advice on everything from backseat driving to dealing with the in-laws. It combines stories and tips collected from couples of all ages with the wise and witty musings of generations of writers who have experienced the same joys and pains - from George Bernard Shaw to Jane Austen, and Nancy Mitford to Groucho Marx.

Whether you are about to be married, or celebrating your fiftieth wedding anniversary, this charming, funny book will keep you and your other half entertained til death do you part...

Happiness for Two: 75 Secrets for Finding More Joy Together

Happiness for Two: 75 Secrets for Finding More Joy Together

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Pursuing happiness sounds easy, but with so many demands on our time and resources, it can be a challenge. So, how do we find happiness in a relationship--when there are two people who want and deserve to be happy?

Help is here, from a beloved (and blissfully married) lifestyle philosopher whose books and lectures on personal contentment have helped millions and whose popular Happiness Weekends are filled with dating singles, newlyweds, and long-married couples. In brief, readable essays rich in wisdom, practical strategies, and humor, Alexandra Stoddard shows how two people can be happy together, not at each other's expense.

Alexandra's essays help couples make personal happiness a priority (Encourage each other to do something every day that will boost happiness), connect in simple, powerful ways (Give the gift of eye contact), share decisions (A home has no boss), set family priorities (Don't let children control you), expand your horizons (Encourage adventure), be grateful for each other (Treat each encounter as though it could be your last), and have fun (Live a little!).

Perfect for couples to read alone or together, Happiness for Two brims with useful ideas to help us love and live happy.

He's Just Not Your Type (and That's a Good Thing): How to Find Love Where You Least Expect It

He's Just Not Your Type (and That's a Good Thing): How to Find Love Where You Least Expect It

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In He's Just Not Your Type (and that's a good thing), a relationship expert and dating columnist shares her counterintuitive approach to lasting love: encouraging women to date their "non-types." After years of dating, many women fall into a relationship rut. As serial daters, they are attracted to the same type of man time and again. Clearly, something's not working. But the problem is not that he's just not that into them--the reality is, he's just not their type. Relationship expert and life coach Andrea Syrtash hears the disbelief in her clients' voices when they admit that their "Mr. Right" relationship has again gone wrong. In He's Just Not Your Type, Syrtash challenges readers to date outside their comfort zones and poses hard-hitting questions: What if the kind of man they think will make them happy never will? What would happen if they dated someone they'd never considered dating? In each chapter, Syrtash shares stories of women who have found lasting happiness with their non-types (NTs) and provides exercises designed to help readers assess their big-picture goals and core values. In doing so, she shows women how to make better choices in dating so they are more likely to find true love.



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When her twenty-five-year marriage suddenly falls apart, journalist Florence Williams expects the loss to hurt. But when she starts feeling physically sick, losing weight and sleep, she sets out in pursuit of rational explanation. She travels to the frontiers of the science of "social pain" to learn why heartbreak hurts so much--and why so much of the conventional wisdom about it is wrong.

Soon Williams finds herself on a surprising path that leads her from neurogenomic research laboratories to trying MDMA in a Portland therapist's living room, from divorce workshops to the mountains and rivers that restore her. She tests her blood for genetic markers of grief, undergoes electrical shocks while looking at pictures of her ex, and discovers that our immune cells listen to loneliness. Searching for insight as well as personal strategies to game her way back to health, she seeks out new relationships and ventures into the wilderness in search of an extraordinary antidote: awe.

With warmth, daring, wit, and candor, Williams offers a gripping account of grief and healing. Heartbreak is a remarkable merging of science and self-discovery that will change the way we think about loneliness, health, and what it means to fall in and out of love.

Hold Me Tight

Hold Me Tight

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Strengthen and deepen your relationships with this "much-needed" (Harville Hendrix, PhD) guide that has sold over one million copies, through revelatory practical exercises, seven profound conversations, and sage advice from "the best couple's therapist in the world" (John Gottman, PhD, bestselling author)

Are you looking to enrich a healthy relationship, revitalize a tired one, or rescue one gone awry? We all want a lifetime of love, support, and companionship. But sometimes we need a little help.

Enter Dr. Sue Johnson, developer of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy and "the most original contributor to couple's therapy to come along in the last thirty years," according to Dr. William J. Doherty, PhD. In Hold Me Tight, Dr. Johnson shares her groundbreaking and remarkably successful program for creating stronger, more secure relationships.

The message of Hold Me Tight is simple: Forget about learning how to argue better, analyzing your early childhood, making grand romantic gestures, or experimenting with new sexual positions. Instead, get to the emotional underpinnings of your relationship by recognizing that you are emotionally attached to and dependent on your partner in much the same way that a child is on a parent for nurturing, soothing, and protection. Dr. Johnson teaches that the way to enhance or save a relationship is to be open, attuned, and responsive to each other and to reestablish emotional connection. With this in mind, she focuses on key moments in a relationship and uses them as touch points for seven healing conversations, including:

  • Recognizing the Demon Dialogues
  • Finding the Raw Spots
  • Revisiting a Rocky Moment
  • Forgiving Injuries
  • Keeping Your Love Alive
  • These conversations give you insight into the defining moments in your relationship and guide you in reshaping these moments to create a secure and lasting bond.

    Through stories from Dr. Johnson's practice, illuminating advice, and practical exercises, you will learn how to nurture, protect, and grow your relationship, ensuring a lifetime of love.

    How to Be an Adult in Love

    How to Be an Adult in Love

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    How to let love into our lives, and how to express that love to the world at large--the latest from a best-selling author.

    We were made to love and be loved. Loving ourselves and others is in our genetic code. It's nothing other than the purpose of our lives--but knowing that doesn't make it easy to do. We may find it a challenge to love ourselves. We may have a hard time letting love in from others. We're often afraid of getting hurt. It is also sometimes scary for us to share love with those around us--and love that isn't shared leaves us feeling flat and unfulfilled.

    David Richo provides the tools here for learning how to love in evolved adult ways--beginning with getting past the barriers that keep us from loving ourselves, then showing how we can learn to open to love others.

    The first challenge is that we have a hard time letting love in: recognizing it, accepting it from others. We're afraid of it, of getting hurt. The second, related problem is that we're unable to share love with those around us--and love that isn't shared isn't truly love. The first step to learning to love and be loved, according to Richo's model, is to identify the different levels of love so that you can hit each one separately. He breaks it down to three:

    - Level One: Positive Connection. As simple as being courteous, respectful, helpful, and honest, and decent in all our dealings. Pretty basic, but it makes the world a better place, and it's the essential foundation for growing in love.

    - Level Two: Caring and Personal Connection. Intimacy and commitment to friends, family, partners, lovers. Commitment to others.

    - Level Three: Unconditional and Universal. Transcending the love of individuals to the love of all beings; self-sacrificing. The love expressed in the Sermon on the Mount and the Bodhicharyavatara. This level of love isn't for a heroic few, it's everyone's calling.

    He then shows us how to incorporate these varieties of love into our lives. It's a relief to know that even just aspiring to incorporate them really changes things. He also provides exercises and guided meditations for identifying and getting through the things that keep you from getting and giving love at each of these three levels.

    Through the lens of these types of love, Richo covers topics such as: how to still be yourself while loving another; how to embrace your dark side; what to do when the one who loves you dies; need versus fear; clinging; healthy sexuality, including fantasies and how to experience pleasure without guilt; how to break distructive patterns in your relationships; and how to have safe conversations with your loved one.

    Richo provides wisdom from Buddhism, psychology, and a range of spiritual traditions, along with a wealth of practices both for avoiding the pitfalls that can occur in love relationships and for enhancing the way love shows up in our lives. He then leads us on to love's inevitable outcome: developing a heart that loves universally and indiscriminately. This transcendent and unconditional love isn't just for a heroic few, Richo shows, it's everyone's magnificent calling.

    How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving

    How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving

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    Most people think of love as a feeling, says David Richo, but love is not so much a feeling as a way of being present. In this book, Richo offers a fresh perspective on love and relationships--one that focuses not on finding an ideal mate, but on becoming a more loving and realistic person. Drawing on the Buddhist concept of mindfulness, How to Be an Adult in Relationships explores five hallmarks of mindful loving and how they play a key role in our relationships throughout life:

    1. Attention to the present moment; observing, listening, and noticing all the feelings at play in our relationships.
    2. Acceptance of ourselves and others just as we are.
    3. Appreciation of all our gifts, our limits, our longings, and our poignant human predicament.
    4. Affection shown through holding and touching in respectful ways.
    5. Allowing life and love to be just as they are, with all their ecstasy and ache, without trying to take control.

    When deeply understood and applied, these five simple concepts--what Richo calls the five A's--form the basis of mature love. They help us to move away from judgment, fear, and blame to a position of openness, compassion, and realism about life and relationships. By giving and receiving these five A's, relationships become deeper and more meaningful, and they become a ground for personal transformation.

    How to Change Someone You Love: Four Steps to Help You Help Themself

    How to Change Someone You Love: Four Steps to Help You Help Themself

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    This powerful book shows readers how to stop a loved one from engaging in self-destructive behavior. Brad Lamm's step-by-step approach empowers families and friends to change their loved ones through compassionate, caring and continuing support.--Dr. Mehmet Oz.
    How to Find True Love

    How to Find True Love

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    Modern dating is broken. It's time for a true love revolution.

    It's rough out there. From dating apps that don't reliably connect us, to the unrealistic ideal of love we've been sold by fairytales and romantic comedies, finding love can feel like an uphill battle. Combined with digital overload, rapidly shifting cultural norms, and an ongoing loneliness epidemic, it's no wonder so many are disillusioned with modern dating and relationships. And yet, romantic love and connection still remain a key factor in what motivates and fulfills us. Here's the good news: your desire for true love isn't a pipe dream - it's a call to date differently than you've been taught. Francesca Hogi, certified matchmaker and dating expert, is here to show you a world of romantic possibility beyond our broken dating culture, and it all starts from within.
    In How to Find True Love, Hogi provides a better, more realistic method for actually finding and keeping real love. Dating can't be hacked, but it can be transformed. With her advice, exhausted romantics will find comfort in releasing the impossible ideal of a "one true love," and instead come to realize that true love is first and foremost a type of relationship, not one individual person. Co-creating a true love relationship with a great partner is a choice, one available to everyone who wants healthy love. Hogi will show you a holistic approach to dating through the four dimensions that make true love your reality:

  • Mindset: think bigger about love
  • Heartset: feel better about love (and yourself)
  • Soulset: connect with a higher love
  • Skillset: date in alignment with love
  • Above all, true love is really an inside job. Rooted in optimism and purpose, How to Find True Love is a necessary guide for the weary dater. No matter your romantic history, present circumstances, or dating challenges, you can make true love inevitable.

    How to Get Over a Boy

    How to Get Over a Boy

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    Take control of your love life and gain the power to put yourself first in all your romantic relationships.

    - If you're just out of a messy break-up, learn how to put yourself and your needs first
    - Find freedom from the tyranny of texts and lost love
    - Embrace your single status and shout about your choices

    In How to Get Over a Boy, bestselling author Chidera Eggerue will show you, once and for all, how to reframe the stale goal of finding a man. She will equip you with tangible and applicable solutions for every part of your dating life, helping you recognize that men hold as much power in our romantic lives as we grant them.

    In the past, dating books tend to lean more into the territory of 'how to make him find you hot!', 'how to make him jealous!', 'how to get him to propose!'. But these how-tos are placing men on a pedestal of being 'the prize'. Men are NEVER the prize. You are. Let The Slumflower show you why.

    How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking about It

    How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking about It

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    Men are right. The "relationship talk" does not help. Dr. Patricia Love's and Dr. Steven Stosny's How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It reveals the stunning truth about marital happiness:

    - Love is not about better communication. It's about connection.
    - You'll never get a closer relationship with your man by talking to him like you talk to one of your girlfriends.
    - Male emotions are like women's sexuality: you can't be too direct too quickly.
    - There are four ways to connect with a man: touch, activity, sex, routines.
    - Men want closer marriages just as much as women do, but not if they have to act like a woman.
    - Talking makes women move closer; it makes men move away.
    - The secret of the silent male is this: his wife supplies the meaning in his life.
    - The stunning truth about love is that talking doesn't help.

    Drs. Patricia Love and Steven Stosny have studied this all-too-familiar dynamic between men and women and have reached a truly shocking conclusion. Even with the best of intentions, talking about your relationship doesn't bring you together, and it will eventually drive you apart.

    The reason for this is that underneath most couples' fights, there is a biological difference at work. A woman's vulnerability to fear and anxiety makes her draw closer, while a man's subtle sensitivity to shame makes him pull away in response. This is why so many married couples fall into the archetypal roles of nagging wife/stonewalling husband, and why improving a marriage can't happen through words.

    How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It teaches couples how to get closer in ways that don't require "trying to turn a man into a woman." Rich in stories of couples who have turned their marriages around, and full of practical advice about the behaviors that make and break marriages, this essential guide will help couples find love beyond words.

    How to Love Better

    How to Love Better

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    The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Lighter offers a blueprint for deepening your compassion, kindness, and gratitude so you can truly grow in harmony with another person and build stronger connections in all your relationships.

    "A beautiful offering from the heart, to the heart."--Elizabeth Gilbert

    "Yung Pueblo holds a mirror to the relationships we have and offers clear directions to the relationships we desire."--Simon Sinek

    "How to Love Better is destined to change your life."--Lena Waithe

    "Everyone enters relationships with imperfections and negative patterns that block the flow of love, but when you embrace growth, the new harmony within you will flow into your relationship."

    Love enters our lives in many forms: friends, family, intimate partners. But all of these relationships are deeply influenced by the love we have for ourselves. If we see our relationships as opportunities to be fully present in our healing and growth, then, Yung Pueblo assures us, we can transform and meet one another with compassion instead of judgment.

    In How to Love Better, Yung Pueblo examines all aspects of relationships, from the rose-colored early days when you may be hesitant to show your full self, to the challenges that can arise without clear communication, to dealing with heartbreak and healing as you close a chapter of your life. The power of looking inward remains at the core of Yung Pueblo's teachings. Ego and attachment can become barriers in a relationship, so the more self-aware you become, the more you can support both your partner and yourself.

    How to Love Better includes:
    - How to build harmony in a relationship
    - How to see each other's perspective
    - How to find the right partner
    - How to heal from heartbreak
    - How to overcome attachment
    - How to form commitments
    - How to argue

    Yung Pueblo's insights on embracing change, building a foundation of honesty, and learning to listen selflessly will resonate regardless of where you are in your healing journey. And his unique combination of poetry, personal experience, and thoughtful advice will help you grow and strengthen all of your relationships.

    How to Stay in Love

    How to Stay in Love

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    Hard-hitting divorce lawyer James J. Sexton shares his insights and wisdom to help you reverse-engineer a healthy, fulfilling romantic relationship with How to Stay in Love.

    With two decades on the front lines of divorce Sexton has seen what makes formerly happy couples fall out of love and "lose the plot" of the story they were writing together. Now he reveals all of the "what-not-to-dos" for couples who want to build--and consistently work to preserve--a lasting, loving relationship. Sexton tells the unvarnished truth about love and marriage, diving straight into the most common issues that often arise from simple communication problems and relationships that develop by "default" instead of design.

    Though he deals constantly with the heartbreak of others, he still believes in romance and the transformative power of love. This book is his opportunity to use what he has learned from the mistakes of his clients to help individuals and couples find and preserve lasting connection.

    Previously published as If You're In My Office, It's Already Too Late.

    How to Think More About Sex

    How to Think More About Sex

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    We don't think too much about sex; we're merely thinking about it in the wrong way.
    So asserts Alain de Botton in How to Think More About Sex, a rigorous and supremely honest book designed to help us navigate the intimate and exciting---yet often confusing and difficult---experience that is sex. Few of us tend to feel we're entirely normal when it comes to sex, and what we're supposed to be feeling rarely matches up with the reality. This book argues that twenty-first-century sex is ultimately fated to be a balancing act between love and desire, and adventure and commitment. Covering topics that include lust, fetishism, adultery, and pornography, Alain de Botton frankly articulates the dilemmas of modern sexuality, offering insights and consolation to help us think more deeply and wisely about the sex we are, or aren't, having.

    How We Love Now

    How We Love Now

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    The kinds of love we can experience in a lifetime are limited only by our imagination.

    Thousands of women in their fifties, sixties, and seventies are living-and defining-a totally new love narrative. Whether they are already experiencing intimacy, joy-and great sex-or need the inspiration and support to go for it, readers will be energized by the stories of new ways of loving: relationships found (sometimes with younger men); rediscovered childhood sweethearts; long-standing ones enriched; and Internet adventures that feature choices and daring that would have been unimaginable not so long ago.

    "How We Love Now" is the groundbreaking, funny, poignant, and sometimes shocking "next chapter" in Levine's ongoing conversation with women in Second Adulthood, the stage of life she defined and celebrated in two popular books: "Inventing the Rest of Our Lives" and "Fifty Is the New Fifty." As she explores the changes and opportunities for women in midlife, Levine's personal voice, experience, and research infuse each chapter with fresh revelations and reassurance.

    I Didnt Know I Needed This

    I Didnt Know I Needed This

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    **A Publisher's Weekly Bestseller**

    From TikTok star Eli Rallo, an irreverent, laugh-out-loud funny, and searingly honest take on modern dating and romance with tips, tricks, and survival-guide style rules.

    I Didn't Know I Needed This is the dose of confidence every girl needs to live their life on their own terms. Eli Rallo is a social media superstar, a Carrie Bradshaw for the TikTok age, a true romantic at heart, and the best friend every young woman wishes she had. As someone who prides herself in feeling fully and deeply, Eli is on the ride with you, kissing the frogs, sending (and deleting) the risky DMs, climbing down frat house gutters, making the friends you'll have for life, all while finding love and falling in love with yourself and learning that everything will be alright. In this earnest and vulnerable look at what it's really like to date as a young woman in the modern world of dating apps, rotating rosters, and social media snafus, Eli gives her rules for each stage of the game--tried and true tricks of the trade.

    I Didn't Know I Needed This follows the natural lifecycle of dating, starting with being single, flirting, and navigating the apps to going on dates, having sex, falling in love, and managing relationships, to finally dealing with heartbreak, finding closure, prioritizing your friends, and honoring your life. Discover the rules that have worked for her, and garnered her more than a half million TikTok followers:

    prep for a first date like an athlete before a big gametry a person out in different settings before committing to themplan the second date while you're out on the firstfind your perfect "eff me sweater"flirt with your partner, no matter how long you've been togethergive yourself a set mourning period to wallow after a breakup, and then stick to italways (always!) communicate your needs, wants, desires, and boundariesfind little ways to love your life and treat yourself

    With touching stories of her own adventures and mishaps, Eli helps you navigate dating in a way that's frank, honest, funny, and relatable, giving the advice that you didn't even know you needed.

    I Do I Think

    I Do I Think

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    "Allison Raskin's book unpacks the questions and uncertainties around marriage that so many of us have... a must-read for anyone and everyone that may be curious about the intricacies of modern marriage." -Nick Viall, TV Personality, Host of The Viall Files, and Bestselling Author

    From Just Between Us cohost and bestselling author Allison Raskin comes a witty, incisive
    take on modern marriage and how a new generation can navigate its uncertainties and questions.

    Marriage rates may be on the decline, but that doesn't mean marriage is disappearing from society. In fact, as modern relationship norms and structures continue to evolve, the public discourse about marriage has never been louder--or more conflicted. Divorce rates, the appeal of cohabitation, seemingly infinite options for future partners, the patriarchal roots of marriage and gender roles, and economic uncertainty are just a few factors that leave a new generation of single and dating adults wondering. What does marriage even look like now? Why do people still do it? And, most importantly, is it "for me"?

    With conversational wit and compassion, bestselling author Allison Raskin draws on new research, interviews with licensed experts, and the stories of real-life couples to break down the many pieces of today's "marriage conversation"--and to make the leap of faith a little less scary for Gen Z and millennial adults like herself. What emerges is a thoughtful investigation into our cultural assumptions about commitment, compatibility, divorce, meaningful partnership, the future of marriage--and what it really means to join your bank accounts.
    I Do Now What

    I Do Now What

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    Bill and Giuliana Rancic are now the hosts of NBC's Ready for Love, a new relationship show featuring three of America's most eligible guys searching for their soul mates.

    Five million viewers tuned in to The Style Network for Giuliana DePandi and Bill Rancic's fairy tale wedding in Italy, as the passions, tears, and champagne flowed. But what happened once the honeymoon was over? After all, she's been stationed in Los Angeles as one of E! Entertainment's most popular personalities, and he's kept his home in Chicago, where this handsome winner of The Apprentice has been busy running an empire of his own. How, we've wondered, is this marriage really working out?

    With all the funny, frank, and characteristically down-to-earth personality that fans of their hit reality show, Giuliana & Bill, have come to adore, this glamorous couple takes you behind the scenes of their real-life marriage. Like all newlyweds, they've faced the big issues that wedlock manages to invite, including money (to merge or not?), household chores (she's disorganized, he's a neat freak), arguments (without staying mad), and trying to have a baby (it's not as easy as they thought!). Sharing their newfound and sometimes hard-won insights, they offer suggestions on such topics as communication, giving and receiving support, trust and jealousy, quality time, friends and in-laws, fighting fair, and sex and romance.

    A must-read for newly married couples, or those about to take the plunge, or anyone who wants to know the secrets of everlasting love, I Do, Now What? is an upbeat real-world resource for the most ambitious journey of a couple's life: marriage!