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Relationships / Sex

Explorers Guide to Planet Orgasm

Explorers Guide to Planet Orgasm

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Welcome to the most mysterious and wonderful of planets, a planet made just for you. We call it Planet Orgasm.

On Planet Orgasm, there are dozens of kinds of orgasms, just waiting for us all to have them. You can take Orgasmanaut Training, learn the fascinating history of orgasm research, expand your definition of orgasm, and voyage into undiscovered orgasmic lands. You'll discover orgasms for people of every gender and orientation: big world-shaking orgasms and gentle mini-gasms; orgasms in every part of your body; orgasms by yourself, orgasms with toys, orgasms with others... and orgasms only you can discover for yourself.

World-famous performer/author/educator Annie Sprinkle is your guide, together with artist/educator Beth Stephens and illustrator YuDori. Under the leadership of this fearless crew, you'll discover, through words and pictures, just what Planet Orgasm has in store for you!
Fifty Shades of Pleasure A Bedside Companion

Fifty Shades of Pleasure A Bedside Companion

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Surrender to the joys brought to world by New York Times bestselling author E.L. James. Let this unofficial guide teach you the sex tricks made famous by Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele. Turn your bedroom into a playpen of pleasure, pain, and ecstasy.

If hot erotic romance novels have had you fantasizing about certain naughty pleasures, or if you just want to add a little spice to your sexy love sessions, this kinky how-to will bring your fantasies to life. Explore the pleasure of a little pain, flex muscles you didn't know you had through hot sex positions and learn how to make or break the rules in your playtime romp.

With a light, playful tone, this book eases you into the stingingly sweet side of sex. Each section features excerpts from the Kama Sutra or classic erotica, extra tips like "Dirty Talk Dos and Don'ts," and offers further resources to continue your naughty education. Gather your ben wa balls and feather ticklers while this handbook gives you the rundown on all the hot moves you've been wanting to try, from beginner bondage techniques and starter spanking to hot wax and flogging--no dungeon required!

Fight Less Love More

Fight Less Love More

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A Harvard-trained lawyer and mediator shows busy couples how to stop fighting and start communicating.

In Fight Less, Love More, readers will learn how to identify the bad verbal habits, instinctive responses, and emotional reasoning that can cloud judgment and ultimately lead to the deterioration of otherwise healthy relationships. With exercises, examples, and sample scripts, Puhn's modern voice presents simple 5-minute strategies create immediate, positive changes and provide long-lasting communication skills that couples can continually employ when faced with conflict.

Finding the Words: Candid Conversations with Loved Ones

Finding the Words: Candid Conversations with Loved Ones

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"Finding the Words "offers principles and practical suggestions for those moments in relationships when one wants to be kind but also must discuss a sensitive matter. In thoughtful prose, Susan Halpern explains how to communicate with care in order to strengthen and increase our loving connections. The principles provided in the book speaking from the heart, stating intentions, and deep listening enable readers to navigate difficult encounters.
Halpern draws on her years of experience as a psychotherapist, wife, and mother to suggest possible, scripted solutions and positive outcomes for a wide range of situations: a partner who needs to talk about the irritations of joint living, parents of an adult child who requires unexpected financial support, grandparents who don t know how to intervene, siblings who disagree about politics or religion, and couples in times of crisis, illness, affairs, and divorce. An essential book for finding one s way back to intimacy from conflict, nagging discomfort, and anger, "Finding the Words "teaches methods of responding, negotiating, and compromising. While there are numerous guides to relationships, no other book presents life situations along with actual words that can be used to cope with them with such vitality and wisdom."
Finding True Love

Finding True Love

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Your Guide to Finding True Love

The keys to attracting love. In this eye-opening and wisdom-packed book by best-selling author Daphne Rose Kingma, readers discover that the search for true love starts within themselves. Kingma expresses the necessity of inner work before we can be ready to welcome and attract outside love. It is through first committing to spiritual and emotional preparation, Kingma shares, that we will learn how to be happy and discover the true love of our lives.

A detailed four-part discussion. "Love Doctor" Kingma highlights four qualities necessary to finding true love. She devotes a section of the book to each quality--faith, trust, intention, and surrender--and thoroughly unpacks them, examining both the spiritual and emotional attitudes required for each. By adopting these qualities, we prepare ourselves to find the love that awaits us.

Answers for everyone looking for love. At its heart, this book is a guide for finding your way to the love you deserve. Whether you've been single and searching for love for longer than you'd like, or you're tried and failed your hand at love one too many times, this is the book for you. Kingma comes to her readers as both a relationship expert and compassionate guide ready to provide answers as to why you haven't found fulfilling relationships yet--and give you the tools to do so.

Check out Daphne Rose Kingma's Finding True Love and discover...

  • A comprehensive how-to for finding the love you're seeking
  • Sensible steps and advice that will challenge and motivate you
  • The keys to gaining an intimate relationship in your life
  • Readers of books such as Calling in "The One", How to Be Single and Happy, or All the Rules will enjoy Kingma's Finding True Love.

    Flirting 101: How to Charm Your Way to Love, Friendship and Success

    Flirting 101: How to Charm Your Way to Love, Friendship and Success

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    Every party has a stand-out - a guy or gal who breezes into a room and instantly attracts everyone's attention. It's not always about looks or money, so what's their secret? It's all about flirting! A good flirt knows how to make anyone around them feel good, and that's a very powerful skill. Luckily, it is a skill that can be learned. THE STREET GUIDE TO FLIRTING will show you how to:

    -Discover your inner flirt
    -Increase your self-confidence
    -Take advantage of non-verbal communication
    -Overcome your fear of rejection
    And much more!

    Whether you want to attract a life partner, improve business, or just have a little fun, this book is packed with useful tips, stories, practical exercises, and quizzes to help you transform into the most fabulous flirt you can be.

    For Better

    For Better

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    "The most credible and interesting marital self-help book of all time."--Newsweek

    Editor of The Washington Post's Wellness Department and former New York Times columnist Tara Parker-Pope is one of the most popular and e-mailed journalists in the nation. In this eye-opening--and ultimately optimistic--look at marriage today, Parker-Pope reveals the heart behind the statistics to bust the myths and share the true secrets to marital happiness.

    Among her surprising findings:
    - most marriages today are succeeding
    - newlywed couples who don't fight are at a higher risk for divorce than those who do
    - how couples divide household chores influences how often they have sex

    Whatever their stage of life or marital status, readers will be fascinated and buoyed by this classic in the making.

    For Better: Science of a Good Marriage

    For Better: Science of a Good Marriage

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    Take The "For Better" Quiz #3: Defining Your Love Style.

    One of the "New York Times'" most popular journalists presents groundbreaking scientific news about marriage. And, surprise: It's good news.
    We've all heard the statistic: Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. It's enough to make many couples give up when the going gets rough, thinking that's what everybody else does. But what if it weren't true? What if, in fact, it's not only possible but often easier than you think to save a seemingly troubled relationship? These are the questions Tara Parker-Pope asked herself after her own divorce. An investigative journalist on the health and wellness beat, she turned to some of the top biologists, neuroscientists, psychologists, and other scientists for the facts about marriage and divorce.
    Those facts were more positive and provocative than she'd ever expected, and "For Better" offers page after page of astonishing, eye-opening good news. Parker-Pope presents the science behind why some marriages work and others don't; the biology behind why some spouses cheat and others remain faithful; the best diagnostic tools created by the most cutting-edge psychologists to assess the probability of success in getting married, staying married, or remarrying. There are questionnaires to uncover potentially damaging hidden attitudes toward spouses. There are tools to show the impact of routine, fresh activity and how small adjustments can make a huge difference. Tara Parker- Pope's genius is for exploring the science behind the big issues that affect our lives every day and translating that science into advice that we can use-every day.
    "For Better" is the definitive guide to the most profound relationship of our lives.

    For the Love of Men

    For the Love of Men

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    A nonfiction investigation into masculinity, For The Love of Men provides actionable steps for how to be a man in the modern world, while also exploring how being a man in the world has evolved.

    In 2019, traditional masculinity is both rewarded and sanctioned. Men grow up being told that boys don't cry and dolls are for girls (a newer phenomenon than you might realize--gendered toys came back in vogue as recently as the 80s). They learn they must hide their feelings and anxieties, that their masculinity must constantly be proven. They must be the breadwinners, they must be the romantic pursuers. This hasn't been good for the culture at large: 99% of school shooters are male; men in fraternities are 300% (!) more likely to commit rape; a woman serving in uniform has a higher likelihood of being assaulted by a fellow soldier than to be killed by enemy fire.

    In For the Love of Men, Liz offers a smart, insightful, and deeply-researched guide for what we're all going to do about toxic masculinity. For both women looking to guide the men in their lives and men who want to do better and just don't know how, For the Love of Men will lead the conversation on men's issues in a society where so much is changing, but gender roles have remained strangely stagnant.

    What are we going to do about men? Liz Plank has the answer. And it has the possibility to change the world for men and women alike.



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    "One of the first honest, moving and funny portrayals of a solid marriage I have ever read." --Jessica Grose, The New York Times

    A Best Book of 2022 from The New Yorker and Chicago Tribune

    An illuminating, poignant, and savagely funny examination of modern marriage from Ask Polly advice columnist Heather Havrilesky

    If falling in love is the peak of human experience, then marriage is the slow descent down that mountain, on a trail built from conflict, compromise, and nagging doubts. Considering the limited economic advantages to marriage, the deluge of other mate options a swipe away, and the fact that almost half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce anyway, why do so many of us still chain ourselves to one human being for life?

    In Foreverland, Heather Havrilesky illustrates the delights, aggravations, and sublime calamities of her marriage over the span of fifteen years, charting an unpredictable course from meeting her one true love to slowly learning just how much energy is required to keep that love aflame. This refreshingly honest portrait of a marriage reveals that our relationships are not simply "happy" or "unhappy," but something much murkier--at once unsavory, taxing, and deeply satisfying. With tales of fumbled proposals, harrowing suburban migrations, external temptations, and the bewildering insults of growing older, Foreverland is a work of rare candor and insight. Havrilesky traces a path from daydreaming about forever for the first time to understanding what a tedious, glorious drag forever can be.

    Four Noble Truths of Love

    Four Noble Truths of Love

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    "Susan Piver consistently offers what so many of us seek: A generous, caring, loving teacher, someone with an open heart and a clear mind, eager to help us find our own way forward." --Seth Godin, author of Linchpin

    Broken hearts, resentment, affairs, divorce. Why is it so hard to make relationships work? New York Times bestselling author and mindfulness expert Susan Piver applies classic Buddhist wisdom to modern romance, including her own long-term relationship, to show that ancient philosophies have timeless--and unexpected--wisdom on how to love.

    The Four Noble Truths of Love will challenge the expectations you have about dating, sex, and romance, liberating you from the habits, traumas, and expectations that have been holding back your relationships. This mindful approach toward love will help you open your heart fearlessly, deepen communications with your partner, increase your compassion and resilience, and lead you toward a path of true happiness. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain: expansive, real love for yourself and others.

    Friendship First

    Friendship First

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    Despite modern technology and the ample ways we have to keep in touch, we risk neglecting our relationships with the people who have the most profound effect on our well-being: our friends. Weaving together personal stories, interviews with experts, and social research, Friendship First empowers you to nurture relationships with friends both new and old. Journalist Gyan Yankovich reveals how friendships play a vital role in our happiness with insights on how to:

  • Deepen workplace friendships outside the office
  • Invite friends into activities typically reserved for families
  • Use social media to strengthen connections
  • Maintain friendships through major life transitions.
  • An ode to group chats and chosen family, Friendship First invites you to care for and count on those who matter most.

    Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: Recover from Emotional Abuse, Recognize Narcissists & Manipulators and Break Free Once and for All

    Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: Recover from Emotional Abuse, Recognize Narcissists & Manipulators and Break Free Once and for All

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    Break free from the lies and manipulation that are keeping you captive

    You're positive you saw a flirty text from another woman on your husband's phone. Yet, when you confront him, he tells you you're imagining things and being paranoid.

    A co-worker sarcastically mentions that you're not contributing enough to the big project. When you get offended, they say they were just joking and that you're too sensitive.

    Your mother constantly criticizes your weight. When you bring up her comments around other people, she denies ever saying them and says you are making up stories.

    Have you repeatedly found yourself in these types of situations where you end up doubting yourself?

    They might have occurred with different people, in different circumstances, but the way they make you feel is the same.

    Your feelings are trivialized, your thoughts are manipulated, and your reality is denied.

    When this is done to you repeatedly, you begin to feel confused or even crazy. You are left questioning your own reality and sanity.

    These are classic signs that you're being gaslighted, and it's something to take very seriously.

    Gaslighting is a covert form of abuse that affects your confidence and trust in yourself, which the abuser then takes advantage of to keep you under their control.

    Whether it's a spouse, parent, or co-worker, it's hard to break loose from the grip of a gaslighting manipulator.

    You will need to know how gaslighters operate, how their behavior is affecting you, and how you can reclaim your truth.

    In Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, you will discover:

  • The sneaky tactics gaslighters employ that catch you off-guard and make you more vulnerable to their exploitation
  • How to hold on to your grip on reality, despite the gaslighter's efforts to undermine it
  • Powerful ways to respond to gaslighters, block their attacks, and take back control of the conversation
  • Why self-care is a critical component in coping with abuse, especially if you need to regularly interact with a gaslighter
  • The shift in mindset to help you finally gain the courage to escape an abusive relationship
  • What you need to do after leaving a gaslighting relationship to make sure you don't fall into the same cycle again
  • Why you shouldn't expect any closure from your abuser, and why you can still move on without it
  • How to rebuild your sense of self after years of being torn down by others

    And much more.

    Acknowledging that you're being abused is the first step towards recovery.

    After years of gaslighting, you may be so used to it that you no longer recognize this is not a normal way to live.

    You might believe that there's no way out, or you can't imagine life without the one who's manipulating you.

    But if you truly want to be able to live life on your own terms, cutting yourself off from the source of your pain is essential.

    It won't happen overnight, and it will take committed effort, but you can feel like yourself again - the person you used to be... the person you're meant to be.

    If you want to take back control of your life and regain your sanity and self-worth, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.
  • Get Married This Year

    Get Married This Year

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    Forget waiting for Mr. Right! You can go out and find The One yourself when you follow this plan. Celebrated relationship expert Dr. Janet Blair Page has distilled the very best of her acclaimed dating class at Emory University--the one covered by CNN, FOX, Good Morning America, and The Early Show--into this one-of-a-kind book. She's helped bring thousands of singles true love--and now it's your turn!

    Your To-Do List This Year:

  • Today: Get to know yourself.
  • Next Month: Figure out what you really want from your man.
  • Month 3: Learn how to get out of your own way.
  • Month 6: Take the field and find the right guy.
  • Month 10: Make the big decision.
  • Month 12: Get married!
  • The power is yours--and with Dr. Page's guidance, you'll use that power to meet and marry your Perfect Guy. From designing the ultimate Spouse Shopping List to getting the right guy to commit, this tried-and-true method gives you the blueprint you need to take charge of your love life and find love that can last a lifetime--in only 12 months or less!

    Getting Naked: Five Steps to Finding the Love of Your Life (While Fully Clothed & Totally Sober)

    Getting Naked: Five Steps to Finding the Love of Your Life (While Fully Clothed & Totally Sober)

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    From Harlan Cohen, the bestselling author of THE NAKED ROOMMATE: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run into in College, comes GETTING NAKED, an honest, hopeful guide to getting a date, falling in love--or lust--and finding happiness in love (and in life). With a simple 5-step approach to finding the love of your life, Harlan answers the most commonly asked questions from his syndicated advice column, his college tours, his website, and his newest book for Gen Y. He helped a generation make the most of college life, now he'll help them find the love of their lives.

    Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples: Third Edition

    Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples: Third Edition

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    The New York Times bestselling guide to transforming an intimate relationship into a lasting source of love and companionship, now fully revised with a new forward and a brand new chapter.

    Getting the Love You Want has helped millions of people experience more satisfying relationships and is recommended every day by professional therapists and happy couples around the world. Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt explain how to revive romance and remove negativity from daily interactions, to help you:

    - Discover why you chose your mate
    - Resolve the power struggle that prevents greater intimacy
    - Learn to listen - really listen - to your partner
    - Increase fun and laughter in your relationship
    - Begin healing early childhood experiences by stretching into new behaviors
    - Become passionate friends with your partner
    - Achieve a common vision of your dream relationship

    Become the most connected couple you know with this revolutionary guide, combining behavioral science, depth psychology, social learning theory, Gestalt therapy, and interpersonal neuroscience to help you and your partner recapture joy, enhance closeness, and experience the reward of a deeply fulfilling relationship.

    Good Sex: Transforming America Through the New Gender and Sexual Revolution

    Good Sex: Transforming America Through the New Gender and Sexual Revolution

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    The United States may have a puritanical past, but the 21st century is wide open to diverse gender expression and romance.

    Good Sex is the manifesto--or Manisexto, if you will--for this cultural revolution. Same-sex marriage is legal, the #MeToo movement has exploded, colleges nationwide now teach consent-based sexual health, the media celebrates body positivity, and transgender visibility has become mainstream. Defining "good sex" as both ethical and pleasurable, Catherine M. Roach features such topics as equity, intersectionality, and shared pleasure while offering a lively discussion that is inclusively feminist, queer-friendly, and sex-positive without being divisive.

    An accessible guidebook, Good Sex provides hope that America's sexual, gender, and racial injustices can be addressed together. After all, this new gender and sexual revolution strengthens the pursuit of happiness and love. Welcome to the revolution!

    Grown Up Marriage

    Grown Up Marriage

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    Although marriage is for grown-ups, very few of us are grown up when we marry. Here, the bestselling author of Suddenly Sixty and Necessary Losses presents her life-affirming perspective on the joys, heartaches, difficulties, and possibilities of a grown-up marriage -- and no, that's not an oxymoron!
    Featuring interviews with married women and men, the findings of couples therapists, the truths offered by literature and movies, and a bemused exploration of her own marriage, Judith Viorst illuminates the issues couples struggle with from I do through till death do us part. Examining marital rivalry, marital manners, marital sex (extramarital, too), marital fighting and apologies, what kids do for (and to) marriage, and the boredom and bliss of everyday married life, Viorst leaves no marital stone unturned. From the early years when we wonder Who is this person? and What am I doing here? to the realities of divorce, remarriage, and growing older (and old) together, Viorst offers insights and advice with honesty, humanity, and humor -- all the while recognizing how tough it is to be married and, when it works, how very precious it can be.