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New Age
Witchcraft, a practice rooted in wellness and healing, has the capacity to transform your life. In this spell book and ritual guide, Carmen Spagnola offers practical ways to incorporate magic into your daily life to support your emotional well-being. Carmen's tool kit is part magic and part self-help, with the goal of developing strategies for stress management, self-regulation, and more. Spells for the Apocalypse will teach readers how to counteract unconscious behavior patterns, re-establish stability and restore resilience during periods of personal upheaval through a series of straightforward spells and 5-minute rituals. Whether you are new to witchcraft or an experienced practitioner, this beautifully illustrated treasure trove of practical magic is the key to healing and growing through the restorative power of witchcraft. When we align our thoughts, intentions, and actions with that life force energy, we call it magic.
- Choosing the right deck for you
- Interpreting each of the 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana cards
- A variety of different spreads and techniques for weaving together the cards when you do a reading for yourself and others
- Ways to meditate on the cards and go deeper into their messages This title was previously published within the Hay House Basics series.
Tarot is a popular form of divination that has been used for centuries. By following the guidelines set out in this book, you will come to understand how easy it is to master the art of reading cards. Many people struggle with the many different tarot books available today--they can be difficult for the novice to follow, and many present differing interpretations of the cards. This guide brings tarot into the 21st century, making the card meanings relevant and easy to understand and follow.
Tarot Plain & Simple offers modern and up-to-date interpretations for all 78 cards. Once you know these basics, you'll be able to easily branch out into more advanced and complex tarot books. Throughout this plain and simple book, the author discusses various card groups for interpretation, focusing mainly on the Celtic cross spread.
Focusing on the major arcana, or trumps, of the Marseilles Tarot, the aim of this book is to encourage the reader to experience the tarot in a direct, fresh, and uncluttered way.
Key points:
This exploration of the major arcana includes The Fool's Mirror, a new method for laying the cards out, as well as hints for using the tarot to gain deeper levels of awareness. Cherry Gilchrist offers ways to approach each card, absorb it, and understand its essence. Readers are encouraged to relate this essence to personal experience as the most enduring and rewarding way to prepare for reading the cards.
Your best life is written in the stars
You may know what astrology is - but what does it actually do? Why is it so effective, and how can it be used as a tool for manifestation? These are the questions Aliza Kelly answers in This Is Your Destiny. Elevating astrology from horoscopes to self-actualization, Aliza goes beyond the zodiac, illuminating the universe within. As a rising star in modern spirituality, Aliza shares the wisdom of her extensive private practice, synthesizing thousands of one-on-one client sessions, intimate stories from her personal journey, and esoteric mystical knowledge to inspire readers through hands-on exercises, radical techniques, and groundbreaking insight. Whether you're a seasoned stargazer or just beginning your cosmic journey, This Is Your Destiny will invigorate you through timeless insight delivered with soul, humor, and compassion.The Indian spiritual entrepreneur Maharishi Mahesh Yogi took the West by storm in the 1960s and '70s, charming Baby Boomers fed up with war and social upheaval with his message of meditation and peace. Heeding his call, two thousand followers moved to tiny Fairfield, Iowa, to set up their own university on the campus of a failed denominational college. Soon, they started a school for prekindergarten through high school, allowing followers to immerse themselves in Transcendental Meditation from toddlerhood through PhDs.
Although Fairfield's longtime residents were relieved to see that their new neighbors were clean-cut and respectably dressed--not the wild-haired, drug-using hippies they had feared--the newcomers nevertheless quickly began to remake the town. Stores selling exotic goods popped up, TM followers built odd-looking homes that modeled the guru's rules for peace-inspiring architecture, and the new university knocked down a historic chapel, even as it erected massive golden-domed buildings for meditators. Some newcomers got elected--and others were defeated--when they ran for local and statewide offices. At times, thousands from across the globe visited the small town.
Yet Transcendental Meditation did not always achieve its aims of personal and social tranquility. Suicides and a murder unsettled the meditating community over the years, and some followers were fleeced by con men from their own ranks. Some battled a local farmer over land use and one another over doctrine. Notably, the world has not gotten more peaceful.
Today the guru is dead. His followers are graying, and few of their children are moving into leadership roles. The movement seems rudderless, its financial muscle withering, despite the efforts of high-profile supporters such as filmmaker David Lynch and media magnate Oprah Winfrey. Can TM reinvent itself? And what will be the future of Fairfield itself? By looking closely at the transformation of this small Iowa town, author Joseph Weber assesses the movement's surprisingly potent effect on Western culture, sketches out its peculiar past, and explores its possible future.
The Universe is Talking To You.
Are You Listening?
The universe is always communicating with you--whether in the form of angels, guides, and signs from loved ones in spirit or with amazing synchronicities. This book shows you how to decipher the messages the universe is giving you and helps you reaffirm your faith, live with more joy, and experience life as a series of wondrous miracles.
Join author Tammy Mastroberte as she shares a powerful five-step process and hands-on tips for opening your awareness so you can receive the signs being sent, recognize the synchronicities guiding you, and reach a higher vibration that resonates with the universe and the spirit realm. These simple techniques connect you with powerful energies that provide direction when you are lost, encouragement when you are on the right track, and reassurance that everything in life serves a greater purpose. This book also shows how to work with meditation, intentionality, prayers, tapping, and crystals to support your communication with loved ones and receive proof positive that you are never alone.
This classic on shamanism pioneered the modern shamanic renaissance. It is the foremost resource and reference on shamanism. Now, with a new introduction and a guide to current resources, anthropologist Michael Harner provides the definitive handbook on practical shamanism - what it is, where it came from, how you can participate.
Wonderful, fascinating... Harner really knows what he's talking about.
An intimate and practical guide to the art of shamanic healing and the technology of the sacred. Michael Harner is not just an anthropologist who has studied shamanism; he is an authentic white shaman.
STANILAV GROF, author of 'The Adventure Of Self Discovery'
Harner has impeccable credentials, both as an academic and as a practising shaman. Without doubt (since the recent death of Mircea Eliade) the world's leading authority on shamanism.
NEVILL DRURY, author of 'The Elements of Shamanism'
Michael Harner, Ph.D., has practised shamanism and shamanic healing for more than a quarter of a century. He is the founder and director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies in Norwalk, Connecticut.
"The perfect resource for spell casting, rituals as well as deities and flowers"--Pegan Pages Magazine
The Witch's Book of Love Spells is a moon spells book to help you say "I've finally found the love of my life!" Love can come in many ways, and love spells help to cultivate your greatest love, deepest romance, and truest desires.
A spell book for witches full of love and magic. Witchcraft is based on the knowledge that our destinies lie in our own hands, even in matters of the heart. Why suffer love gone wrong when you can do something about it? Don't doubt your power--with the help of this simple moon spells book, some gemstones and crystals, herbs for love, and a little of your natural chemistry, you are irresistible.
Love spells that harness the moon. Magic influences desired outcomes, empowers, and fosters growth. Begin this process with love spells--spells that draw the attention and devotion of a lover, strengthen the union between an existing couple, invoke sexual magic, heal a broken heart, and fill your own heart with love and compassion for yourself.
Inside this moon spells book, you'll find:If you liked magic spell books like Green Witchcraft, The Spell Book for New Witches, or Mindfulness through the Stars:, you'll love The Witch's Book of Love Spells.
The year 2016 is the Chinese Year of the Monkey - what will this mean for you? This complete guide contains all the predictions you will need to take you into the year ahead - an interesting year offering scope, awareness and much possibility.
The ancient art of Chinese astrology, which predates the Western zodiac, is a detailed system of divination that has been in use in the Orient for thousands of years.
The depth of its wisdom and the accuracy of its character analysis and prediction has caught the imagination of the Western world in recent years and led to a rapid rise in its popularity.
This popular and enlightening bestselling guide - now in its 29th year - includes:
- Everything you need to know about the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac
- An explanation of the Five Elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth, and which one governs your sign
- Individual predictions to help you find love, luck and success
- What the Year of the Monkey has in store for you, your family, your loved ones and friends.