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New Age

Full Moon Yearbook: A Year of Ritual and Healing Under the Light of the Full Moon.

Full Moon Yearbook: A Year of Ritual and Healing Under the Light of the Full Moon.

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When the full moon rises in the night sky, it's hard not to be captivated by the light that streams down on earth from our closest celestial neighbour. Even in the modern age, drenched in artificial light, the full moon has a magic that speaks to our most primal selves. This magic was recognised throughout human history, and lives on in the names various cultures have given each full moon as it rises above us.

The Full Moon Yearbook combines Native American culture, Medieval Celtic Culture, East Asian culture and Witchcraft to dive into the stories that have led to names like February's Budding Moon, or November's Frost Moon. Over thirteen chapters, the names and mythology associated with each full moon are explored, as well as corresponding crystals, rituals, and yoga practices to make engaging with the energy of the full moon natural and fun.

That thirteenth chapter is dedicated to the Blue moon, and in The Full Moon Yearbook readers will discover the reason why this mysterious moon appears in our night skies, along with its even more elusive friend, the Black Moon.

Alongside the folk names, The Full Moon Yearbook highlights some of the goddesses that have been dedicated to, or personified, the moon in ancient religions, bringing their stories to life. With the international perspective, lunar festivals and customs from around the world and practical makes and recipes to help celebrate the full moon are included in this illustrated guide, showing how important the full moon has been throughout history to humankind.

The Full Moon Yearbook is perfect for anyone who has ever felt a pull towards living in harmony with the moon, and longs to be living a lunar-inspired life.



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"The greatest 'ghostbusting' manual ever written."
-Dan Aykroyd

Hans Holzer was the world's leading authority and author in the field of ghosts and paranormal beings. This definitive volume, with a new introduction by Holzer's daughter, is the largest collection of his work ever published. In Ghosts, Dr. Holzer tells us how to find a ghost, how to communicate with a ghost, how to get rid of a ghost, and then he tells us about more than 150 stories of true encounters with ghosts. Featuring rare photographs of ghostly apparitions and visitations, Holzer presents fascinating case histories, tips on interpreting sounds and other signals from the beyond, and more. Not only does Dr. Holzer introduces us to visitors from the next dimension, he explains why they seek contact with our world. Ghosts is a must-read for all would-be ghost hunters and fans of the otherworldly.

Grist for the Mill

Grist for the Mill

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From Ram Dass, one of America's most beloved spiritual figures and bestselling author of Be Here Now and Be Love Now, comes this timeless classic about the experience of being and the risks and rewards of our spiritual path. Originally published in 1976, Grist for the Mill offers a deep spiritual journey of self-discovery, and a universal understanding of what it means to "be" and to grow as human beings. The book is fully revised with a new introduction.

As Ram Dass puts it, "When the faith is strong enough it is sufficient just to be. It's a journey towards simplicity, towards quietness, towards a kind of joy that is not in time. It's a journey that has taken us from primary identification with our body and our psyche, on to an identification with God, and ultimately beyond identification."

Guide to Spirit Healing

Guide to Spirit Healing

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A Guide to Spirit Healing - Edwards, Harry Fascinating book describing the methods by which this form of healing may be accomplished. This book will be of value not only to those who desire to heal the sick but to all who are interested in the way in which this beneficent work is performed. Contents Include: - The Healing potential - The Healing Gift - The Spirit Mind of Man - The Spirit Bodies of Man - First Phase of Development - Absent Healing - Second Phase of Healing - The Healing Guides - General Rules for Guidance - Third Phase of Development - The Value of Healing Passes - Fourth Phase of Development - Magnetic Healing - Disease and the Mind - Psychological Aspect of Healing - Vibrations - Why do Some Healings ''Fail''? - Medical co-operation: Introduction Notes to Treatments - The Spine - Mental Conditions - Cancers and Growths - Arthritis and Rheumatism - Paralysis - Tuberculosis and Chest Conditions - Nerve Diseases - The Senses - Children's Diseases - Colour Healing, Radiesthesia, Electronics - Final Conclusions
Hand on the Mirror

Hand on the Mirror

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An unbelievably believable story about the afterlife, with documenting photographs from the former publisher of a major metropolitan newspaper.

An unbelievably believable story about the afterlife, with documenting photographs from the former publisher of a major metropolitan newspaper.

In 2004, Janis Heaphy Durham's husband, Max Besler, died of cancer at age 56. The daughter of a Presbyterian minister, she practiced her faith as she struggled with her loss. Soon she began encountering phenomena unlike anything she'd ever experienced: lights flickering, doors opening and closing, clocks stopping at 12:44, the exact time of Max's death. But then something startling happened that changed Heaphy Durham's life forever. A powdery handprint appeared on her bathroom mirror on the first anniversary of Max's death.

This launched Heaphy Durham on a journey that transformed her spiritually and altered her view of reality forever. She interviewed scientists and spiritual practitioners along the way, as she discovered that the veil between this world and the next is thin and it's love that bridges the two worlds.

Hidden Secrets of Water

Hidden Secrets of Water

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There is no more important substance on earth than water: it is the source of life, one of the four classic elements and makes up over 70% of our bodies and our planet. This remarkable new book allows us to discover and understand more about this most common of molecules.

Water is the most common, and also the most important substance on Earth. We are hypnotically attracted to its simplicity, purity and transparency, as well as its astonishing physical behaviour, structural vibrations and ordered flow, not to mention its amazing therapeutic virtues. Despite its prevalence, however, this astonishing molecule still harbours many mysteries.
Through the ages, not only scientists but also philosophers and mystics have sought to interpret the fact that our lives are completely dependent on water. They have drawn parallels with spiritual growth: water is always ready to change, to adapt itself, to create and transform; it could be seen as nature's guide to improving and renewing ourselves in wisdom and serenity.
By going further than just describing its attributes and celebrating its physical properties, The Hidden Secrets of Water seeks to uncover and understand the true depths of this most enigmatic of elements, taking the reader on a journey of discovery that covers the whole spectrum of water's influence, traversing scientific, social and spiritual planes. From the Ancient Chinese concept of Yin and Yang to numerical and literary symbolism in the Torah, the Fibonacci sequence to string theory, this innovative, intelligent and far-reaching exploration seamlessly brings together modern science and ancient wisdom, technology and humanism, logic and mysticism in a way that will inspire and stimulate all.

I'm Still with You: Communicate, Heal & Evolve with Your Loved One on the Other Side

I'm Still with You: Communicate, Heal & Evolve with Your Loved One on the Other Side

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Continue Your Relationships with Loved Ones Who Have Passed to the Other Side

Our family and friends are still with us even after they've transitioned to the afterlife. Psychic medium Sherrie Dillard shares amazing case studies that show how the power of love transcends the veil between this world and the next. You will also discover exercises and meditations for healing grief and continuing the soul journey you are on with those who have passed away.

I'm Still With You also shares breathtaking insights into the soul review process that occurs on the other side and shows how that process uplifts and influences surviving loved ones. This comforting book provides suggestions to help you move through the grieving process and guides you on a transformative soul-to-soul journey with your cherished family and friends.

Illustrated Herbiary

Illustrated Herbiary

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2018 INDIES Winner Gold -- Body, Mind, Spirit (Adult Nonfiction)
Nautilus Book Awards Gold Winner

Rosemary is for remembrance; sage is for wisdom. Would meditating on the starflower help heal you? Does the spirit of sweet violet have something to offer you today? Contemporary herbalist Maia Toll, author of The Illustrated Bestiary and The Illustrated Crystallary, profiles the mystical, magical, bewitching personalities of 36 powerful herbs, fruits, and flowers in this stunning volume. The book includes a deck of 36 beautifully illustrated oracle cards -- one for each plant -- and ideas for readings and rituals to help you access your intuition, navigate each day's joys and problems, and tap into each plant's unique powers for healing, guidance, and wisdom.

Also available: The Illustrated Herbiary Collectible Box Set and The Illustrated Bestiary Collectible Box Set.

Intention Obsession

Intention Obsession

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Conjure an intention-filled life with this practical guidebook of magickal rituals for every season of the zodiac, from Erica Feldmann, owner and founder of the Salem-based store, HausWitch.

Let's face it, we could all use a bit more magick in our lives. Even if you're not ready to commit to a black velvet cloak or join a coven (yet), Intention Obsession is a book for all types of seekers, sharing practical magick and self-care rituals for any kind of lifestyle. Think of the magick in this book as an antidote to our world of relentless productivity, oppression, and estrangement.

As the owner of the popular HausWitch store in "Witch City" Salem, Massachusetts, Erica Feldmann knows firsthand that many people are curious about witchcraft, but don't quite know where to start. This book is her invitation into a new, enchanting realm, where you can learn to create exactly the life you want to live by working with intention.

Organized by the seasons of the zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, this guide will showcase the archetypal powers of each season and teach you how to create a ritual regimen you can honor all year long. Filled with fun spells and DIY projects, like:

Planting a pleasure garden for indulgent Taurus seasonCreating a DIY Shower Salt Scrub for watery Cancer seasonMixing up magickal sun tea recipes to celebrate the sun in LeoThrowing a super-organized dinner party for type-A Virgo season

This book will empower you to craft a life of intention; defy oppressive structures like capitalism, patriarchy, and white supremacy; and connect deeply with the energies of the universe. Just let each page awaken your intuition and empower you to manifest your most intentional life.

Jailbreaking the Goddess

Jailbreaking the Goddess

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Jailbreaking the Goddess is a revolutionary revisioning of the feminine divine. Where the maiden, mother, crone archetypal system is tied to female biology and physical stages of life, the fivefold model liberates the female experience from the shackles of the reproductive model.

In a woman's lifetime, she will go through several different cycles of beginnings, potential, creation, mastery, and wisdom. This fivefold model is not an adaption of the threefold. It is a new system that embraces the powerful, fluid nature of the lived experience of women today.

Join Lasara Firefox Allen as she explores the nature of the five archetypes; gives examples of what areas of life each might preside over; lists goddesses that fit within each archetype; suggests ways to begin building relationship with the different archetypes; and provides simple rituals for recognition, transition, and invocation.


Jailbreaking the Goddess is an important contribution to the writings on Goddess tradition and feminist spirituality...I love her political savvy, her sensitivity around issues of diversity and cultural awareness and appropriation, and her unabashed celebration of pleasure, sensuality, and life!--Starhawk

This fiercely inspired body of work is art, theory, and passion. Genius.--Rosa De Anda, from her foreword

Lasara Firefox Allen delves deep into the ways in which colonialist language has shaped our experience of the divine feminine...This is an innovative work that has the potential to change the face of modern feminist spirituality.--Suzanne Sterling, founder of Voice of Change

Kundalini Guide

Kundalini Guide

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The eruption of kundalini energy from its secret nest at the base of the spine has been revered by some as bringing ecstasy and enlightenment, and disparaged by others as simply disabling, terrifying and dangerous. Mystics may call it a method of transformation. Skeptics consider it imaginary. All who have experienced it know it as a mystery and a profound life-altering experience. This book, based on 25 years of interviews with over 2000 people who have had this awakening, describes seven categories of phenomena that may occur, tells the eastern perspective of kundalini science, offers guidance on coping with the erratic energies and shifts of consciousness that happen, and reveals the inward path to self-realization that follows the deconstruction initiated by a kundalini arising. If you think you might be in this awakening process, you engage in spiritual or energy practices, or you have activated energies following a near-death experience or trauma, this book is your companion and guide.
Life and Death

Life and Death

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Life and Death offers a contemporary look into the life of international medium Tim Braun who bridges this world and the Spirit world, connecting those who have passed over with those they left behind. Tim Braun teaches readers about the power of unconditional love and provides a step-by-step process on how to heal ourselves from grief, forgive ourselves and find closure. Life and Death will take you on a journey, sharing stories of others who have been tormented by the loss of loved ones, broken relationships, and empty last moments. You will see how they found the answers to their questions and how they were able to recover. You will also learn from Tim how searching for these answers, as well as his own personal journey as a medium, has helped countless people escape the torment of their minds. The amazing part about it all is that the months or perhaps even years of grief and emotion can all be solved in a split second. Sometimes we have to take a "leap of faith." And exactly what does that mean? Leap means "to jump" to "accept eagerly something offered." And faith means "complete trust and confidence in something we can't see." It's something we can't really explain. But somehow, it exists because people have found joy again in their lives by getting the answers they were looking for.
Luck Archive

Luck Archive

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Artist Mark Menjivar was in an antique bookshop in Fort Wayne, Indiana, when he found 4 four-leaf clovers pressed between the yellowed pages of an aged copy of 1000 Facts Worth Knowing. Their discovery beguiled Menjivar so much that he began a multiyear exploration into the concept of luck and its intersections with belief, culture, superstition, and tradition in people's lives.

Menjivar has spent hours and days engaging people in airplanes, tattoo shops, bingo halls, international grocery stores, public parks, baseball stadiums, and voodoo shops--and out on the streets and in their homes. Along the way he documented his findings to create a physical archive that contains hundreds of objects (rings, underwear, food items, clovers, horses, pigs, herbs, rainbows, lottery strategies, seeds, day trader insights, statues, patches, crystals, spices) and the stories and pictures that go with them.

Through photographs and first person accounts, The Luck Archive takes the best of these ideas, thoughts, and objects and gives readers a glimpse into the cultures and superstitions of a colorful array of humanity.

Magic (The Secret Sequel)

Magic (The Secret Sequel)

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One word changes everything...

For more than twenty centuries, words within a sacred text have mystified, confused, and been misunderstood by almost all who read them. Only a very few people through history have realized that the words are a riddle, a

Mastery of Self

Mastery of Self

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The ancient Toltecs believed that life as we perceive it is a dream.

We each live in our own personal dream, and all of our dreams come together to make the Dream of the Planet. Problems arise when we forget that the dream is just a dream and fall victim to believing that we have no control over it.

The Mastery of Self takes the Toltec philosophy of the Dream of the Planet and the personal dream and explains how a person can:

  • Wake up
  • Liberate themselves from illusory beliefs and stories
  • Live with authenticity
  • Once released, we can live as our true, authentic, loving self, not only in solitude and meditation, but in any place--at the grocery store, stuck in traffic, etc.--and in any situation or scenario that confronts us.

    The Ruiz family has an enormous following, and this new book from don Miguel, Jr. will be greeted with enthusiasm by fans around the world. This new book from don Miguel, Jr. will be greeted with enthusiasm by fans around the world.

    Meister Eckharts Book of the Heart

    Meister Eckharts Book of the Heart

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    Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) was a priest, a mystic, and nearly a heretic (he died before the Church court's verdict). In the 20th century, the Roman Catholic Church rehabilitated him and the late Pope John Paul II spoke of his work with fondness.

    However, what makes him of particular interest is the fact that he has influenced a wide range of spiritual teachers and mystics both inside and outside the Christian tradition. Erich Fromm, Eckhart Tolle, Richard Rohr, D. T. Suzuki, and Rudolf Steiner have all credited Eckhart as being an important influence on their thought. In addition, his work has influenced the development of 20th century American Buddhism and the Theosophical tradition.

    Eckhart wrote at a time--much like our own--when society appeared to be coming apart at the seams. In the midst of all that chaos and uncertainty, he captured the many forms and stages of the love of God, the mystic path, and the journey of transformation--in language so startling that he, too, was often accused of heresy.

    Now, seven centuries later, this fresh, stunning rendering of his work translates the essence of one of Christianity's greatest poetic and spiritual voices. Here is a book that conveys the heart of Eckhart's teaching on what it means to love God and embark on an authentic spiritual journey--a journey that is characterized by mystery, paradox, and an embrace of the unknown.

    Mindful Games Activity Cards

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    More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible

    More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible

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    As seen on Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday

    In a time of social and ecological crisis, what can we as individuals do to make the world a better place? This inspirational and thought-provoking book serves as an empowering antidote to the cynicism, frustration, paralysis, and overwhelm so many of us are feeling, replacing it with a grounding reminder of what's true: we are all connected, and our small, personal choices bear unsuspected transformational power. By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness--called interbeing--we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world.

    Throughout the book, Eisenstein relates real-life stories showing how small, individual acts of courage, kindness, and self-trust can change our culture's guiding narrative of separation, which, he shows, has generated the present planetary crisis. He brings to conscious awareness a deep wisdom we all innately know: until we get our selves in order, any action we take--no matter how good our intentions--will ultimately be wrongheaded and wronghearted. Above all, Eisenstein invites us to embrace a radically different understanding of cause and effect, sounding a clarion call to surrender our old worldview of separation, so that we can finally create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

    With chapters covering separation, interbeing, despair, hope, pain, pleasure, consciousness, and many more, the book invites us to let the old Story of Separation fall away so that we can stand firmly in a Story of Interbeing.