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Foreign Language

Baa Baa, Black Sheep!

Baa Baa, Black Sheep!

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Children are able to communicate by signing before they develop the skills necessary for speech. By teaching simple sign language to children from as young as eight months, we can help them to convey their emotions and their needs. When children begin to talk, having sign language to fall back on provides a comforting safety net. Add to the fun of signing by singing well-known nursery rhymes and songs. Even proficient speakers will long enjoy signing to a favourite song or rhyme. Simple and clear signing instructions allow anyone to join in.
Babel: Around the World in Twenty Languages

Babel: Around the World in Twenty Languages

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English is the world language, except that most of the world doesn't speak it--only one in five people does. Dorren calculates that to speak fluently with half of the world's 7.4 billion people in their mother tongues, you would need to know no fewer than twenty languages. He sets out to explore these top twenty world languages, which range from the familiar (French, Spanish) to the surprising (Malay, Javanese, Bengali). Babel whisks the reader on a delightful journey to every continent of the world, tracing how these world languages rose to greatness while others fell away and showing how speakers today handle the foibles of their mother tongues. Whether showcasing tongue-tying phonetics or elegant but complicated writing scripts, and mind-bending quirks of grammar, Babel vividly illustrates that mother tongues are like nations: each has its own customs and beliefs that seem as self-evident to those born into it as they are surprising to the outside world.

Among many other things, Babel will teach you why modern Turks can't read books that are a mere 75 years old, what it means in practice for Russian and English to be relatives, and how Japanese developed separate "dialects" for men and women. Dorren lets you in on his personal trials and triumphs while studying Vietnamese in Hanoi, debunks ten widespread myths about Chinese characters, and discovers that Swahili became the lingua franca in a part of the world where people routinely speak three or more languages. Witty, fascinating and utterly compelling, Babel will change the way you look at and listen to the world and how it speaks.

Baby Happy Baby Sad

Baby Happy Baby Sad

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YES! Now in a dual language Spanish-English edition, this must-have toddler title sheds light on some concepts with a comical flair that will make readers HAPPY.

A towering ice-cream cone makes Baby HAPPY. But when that delectable treat goes splat, it makes Baby SAD. And how quickly HAPPY turns to SAD when a favorite red balloon flies away! Even the littlest listeners will relate to this playful look at a pair of emotions that are part of every baby's day.

Cosas FELICES. Cosas TRISTES. ¡Todas forman parte del día de un bebé!

Backstabbing in Beaujolais

Backstabbing in Beaujolais

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A business magnate calls on wine expert Benjamin Cooker to kickstart his new wine business in Beaujolais, sparking bitter rivalries. Can the Winemaker Detective and his assistant keep calculating real estate agents, taciturn winegrowers, dubious wine merchants and suspicious deaths from delaying delivery of the world-famous Beaujolais Nouveau?
Bald Soprano and Other Plays

Bald Soprano and Other Plays

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The leading figure of absurdist theater and one of the great innovators of the modern stage, Eugène Ionesco (1909-94) did not write his first play, The Bald Soprano, until 1950. He went on to become an internationally renowned master of modern drama, famous for the comic proportions and bizarre effects that allow his work to be simultaneously hilarious, tragic, and profound. As Ionesco has said, "Theater is not literature. . . . It is simply what cannot be expressed by any other means."

Bartleby el escribiente

Bartleby el escribiente

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Bartleby, el escribiente es un magnífico y conmovedor relato, cuya lectura resulta inquietante, divertida y perturbadora. Su protagonista, un peculiar copista judicial que trabaja en un despacho de abogados en Nueva York, decide un buen día, para sorpresa de su jefe, negarse a seguir copiando con la famosa frase «preferiría no hacerlo». Aún hoy, la motivación de Bartleby sigue siendo un exquisito misterio literario, pero la determinación y la sosegada delicadeza con la que se atreve a decir «no» hará que pase a la posteridad como un hombre que eligió la libertad. Herman Melville creó así un personaje paradigmático que influyó notablemente en autores posteriores y que se ha convertido en referente en la historia de la literatura.

Bartleby, the Scrivener is an incredibly moving story. It offers a perfect blend of fun and desolation. This classic's main character is a peculiar, overachieving clerk, working in a NY law firm. One day, to the surprise of his boss, he decides he no longer wants to keep working hard, and utters the now famous "I prefer not to." Today, Bartleby's reasoning continues to be a mystery. By responding to his superior with an emphatic "no," Bartleby was labeled a bold man that chose freedom. Herman Melville created this enigmatic character that continues to influence writers and literary genres of all scopes.

Basic Korean: Learn to Speak Korean in 19 Easy Lessons (Companion Online Audio and Dictionary)

Basic Korean: Learn to Speak Korean in 19 Easy Lessons (Companion Online Audio and Dictionary)

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With an emphasis on practical daily communication, Basic Korean is a great introduction to those looking to learn the language--whether on their own or with a teacher.

Learn Korean quickly and easily with the help of real-life conversations by native speakers, everyday Korean vocabulary and expressions, easy-to-understand grammar explanations, notes on social etiquette for those traveling to Korea and so much more!

With the help of 19 individual lessons, free online audio recordings, lively manga illustrations, comprehensive vocabulary lists and a bi-directional English-Korean/Korean-English dictionary, students get a complete overview of this exceedingly-popular language with the help of this book.

Each self-contained lesson contains the following key elements:

  • Authentic conversations to introduce new words and expressions
  • Vocabulary lists with an emphasis on everyday words and phrases
  • Simple notes explaining how to form sentences
  • Practice drills and exercises to help internalize what you have learned
  • Cultural notes explaining dos and don'ts, honorific language, etc.
  • Native speaker audio recordings to help with pronunciation

  • Whether used for self study or in a formal classroom setting, Basic Korean allows you to begin communicating from the very first lesson!

    Bathroom (Dalkey)

    Bathroom (Dalkey)

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    First published in France in 1985, The Bathroom was Jean-Philippe Toussaint's debut novel, and it heralded a new generation of innovative French literature. In this playful and perplexing book, we meet a young Parisian researcher who lives inside his bathroom. As he sits in his tub meditating on existence (and refusing to tell us his name), the people around him--his girlfriend, Edmondsson, the Polish painters in his kitchen--each in their own way further enables his peculiar lifestyle, supporting his eccentric quest for immobility. But an invitation to the Austrian embassy shakes up his stable world, prompting him to take a risk and leave his bathroom . . .
    Beginners Arabic

    Beginners Arabic

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    Learn to speak, read and understand Arabic!

    Love, Travel, Study, Work, Friendship--whatever your reason for wanting to learn, Beginners' Arabic will help you to:

  • Communicate naturally in everyday situations.
  • Build your confidence with easy-to-follow explanations and plenty of practice activities.
  • Understand and pronounce Arabic easily with online audio.
  • Remember what you learn with our effective Discovery Method.
  • Focus your learning and track your progress with practical tools and planners.
  • Access the audio for this course for free by downloading it to the Teach Yourself Library app or streaming it on 

    Is this course for me?
    Beginners' Arabic is for absolute beginners and those who've had some previous experience with the language and want to refresh their knowledge. Clear and simple explanations make the course appropriate and accessible to anyone learning Arabic. There are extensive illustrations and tools to help you plan your studies and track your progress, all designed to support learning on your own. This course is also ideal to use with one-to-one tutoring and as a classroom course, and it's the perfect resource to pair with a language-learning app.

    Where do I go next?
    Continue learning with Teach Yourself Complete Arabic andArabic Script Hacking.  
    Have some fun with our Short Stories in Arabic for Intermediate Learners by Olly Richards'.

    Rely on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 85 years.

    Beginners Japanese

    Beginners Japanese

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    Learn to speak, read and understand Japanese!

    Love, Travel, Study, Work, Friendship--whatever your reason for wanting to learn, Beginners' Japanese will help you to:

  • Communicate naturally in everyday situations.
  • Build your confidence with easy-to-follow explanations and plenty of practice activities.
  • Understand and pronounce Japanese easily with online audio.
  • Remember what you learn with our effective Discovery Method.
  • Focus your learning and track your progress with practical tools and planners.
  • Access the audio for this course for free by downloading it to the Teach Yourself Library app or streaming it on 

    Is this course for me?
    Beginners' Japanese is for absolute beginners and those who've had some previous experience with the language and want to refresh their knowledge. Clear and simple explanations make the course appropriate and accessible to anyone learning Japanese. There are extensive illustrations and tools to help you plan your studies and track your progress, all designed to support learning on your own. This course is also ideal to use with one-to-one tutoring and as a classroom course, and it's the perfect resource to pair with a language-learning app.

    Where do I go next?
    Continue learning with Teach Yourself Complete Japanese and Japanese Tutor
    Have some fun with our Short Stories in Japanese for Intermediate Learners by Olly Richards'.

    Rely on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 85 years.

    Beginners Thai

    Beginners Thai

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    Learn to speak, read, write and understand Thai!

    Love, Travel, Study, Work, Friendship-whatever your reason for wanting to learn, Beginners' Thai will help you to:

    - Communicate naturally in everyday situations.
    - Build your confidence with easy-to-follow explanations and plenty of practice activities.
    - Understand and pronounce Thai easily with online audio.
    - Become familiar with the Thai alphabet.
    - Remember what you learn with our effective Discovery Method.
    - Focus your learning and track your progress with practical tools and planners.

    Access the audio for this course for free by downloading it to the Teach Yourself Library app or streaming it on

    Is this course for me?
    Beginners' Thai is for absolute beginners and those who've had some previous experience with the language and want to refresh their knowledge. Clear and simple explanations make the course appropriate and accessible to anyone learning Thai. There are extensive illustrations and tools to help you plan your studies and track your progress, all designed to support learning on your own. This course is also ideal to use with one-to-one tutoring and as a classroom course, and it's the perfect resource to pair with a language-learning app.

    Where do I go next?
    Continue learning with Teach Yourself Complete Thai.

    Rely on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 85 years.

    Beginners’ Portuguese

    Beginners’ Portuguese

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    Learn to speak, read, write and understand Portuguese!

    Love, Travel, Study, Work, Friendship-whatever your reason for wanting to learn, Beginners' Portuguese will help you to:

    - Communicate naturally in everyday situations.
    - Build your confidence with easy-to-follow explanations and plenty of practice activities.
    - Understand and pronounce Portuguese easily with online audio.
    - Remember what you learn with our effective Discovery Method.
    - Focus your learning and track your progress with practical tools and planners.

    Access the audio for this course for free by downloading it to the Teach Yourself Library app or streaming it on

    Is this course for me?
    Beginners' Portuguese is for absolute beginners and those who've had some previous experience with the language and want to refresh their knowledge. Clear and simple explanations make the course appropriate and accessible to anyone learning Portuguese. There are extensive illustrations and tools to help you plan your studies and track your progress, all designed to support learning on your own. This course is also ideal to use with one-to-one tutoring and as a classroom course, and it's the perfect resource to pair with a language-learning app.

    Rely on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 85 years.

    Beginning Japanese Kanji Language Practice Pad

    Beginning Japanese Kanji Language Practice Pad

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    Five minutes a day is all it takes to begin learning Japanese!

    With Beginning Japanese Kanji Language Practice Pad, anyone can master the 334 basic kanji along with 1,000 frequently used words in just minutes a day! Ideal for beginning Kanji learners, this informative writing pad-style workbook was designed for students preparing for the JLPT N5 and AP Japanese Exams. Each sheet introduces a new character in bold, easy-to-read type, along with its pronunciation, meanings, stroke order, and related vocabulary.

    After studying the character and its compound forms, users can tear off the sheet and practice writing these in the writing boxes provided. These sheets make it easy to learn the correct stroke order; in just five minutes a day, users of all ages will be well on their way to writing Japanese like a native!

    This handy kit includes:

  • A 16 page portable study book that lists all 334 Japanese characters and associated vocabulary
  • Mnemonic visual aids to enhance comprehension
  • 336 page double-sided workbook for writing practice
  • Belas Sunden

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    Belle Greene (French)

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    Belyj Klyk Malen'kaja Hozjajka Bol'shogo Doma

    Belyj Klyk Malen'kaja Hozjajka Bol'shogo Doma

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    Tvorchestvo amerikanskogo pisatelja Dzheka Londona ne menee raznoobrazno, chem ego zhizn', polnaja nevzgod, prikljuchenij i opasnostej. Svoej slavoj on objazan, prezhde vsego, vydajushhejsja plejade severnyh rasskazov i povestej. Oni privlekajut muzhestvom svoih geroev, ih derzost'ju, siloj duha. Odna iz luchshih severnyh povestej pisatelja - Belyj Klyk. Jeto udivitel'naja istorija bratstva cheloveka i volka, povestvujushhaja o druzhbe gordogo i svobodoljubivogo zhivotnogo s chelovekom, kogda-to spasshim emu zhizn'. Malen'kaja hozjajka bol'shogo doma, pozhaluj, samoe liricheskoe proizvedenie Londona. Roman, posvjashhennyj sopernichestvu v ljubvi, neprostym chelovecheskim vzaimootnoshenijam, slozhivshimsja v ljubovnom treugol'nike, uvidel svet v poslednij god zhizni pisatelja. S teh por jeta kniga - odno iz samyh ljubimyh i chitaemyh proizvedenij Dzh. Londona, a sam avtor schital ee svoim luchshim romanom.
    Berlitz Deluxe German

    Berlitz Deluxe German

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    The Deluxe German Language Pack is Berlitz's most comprehensive German language-learning course.

    This complete four skills language-learning course includes Basic and Intermediate lever course books, six audio CDs, and a bilingual dictionary and phrase book! A free supplemental audio script and learner's guide are available online.

    Berlitz Language Polish Phrase Book & CD

    Berlitz Language Polish Phrase Book & CD

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    This brand new edition of the Polish Phrase Book and CD features a fresh, crisp design with vivid color photography, eye-catching color-coding, and user-generated content, making it the phrase book created by the people for the people! Sections such as "Food and Drink" and "In an Emergency" provide the words and phrases you'll need in everyday situations throughout Poland, and there are snippets of information on etiquette, culture and travel. The handy bilingual dictionary at the back of the book contains over 3,000 useful words, and our new content includes essential phrases such as "What is the WiFi password?", "I'll put the pictures on Facebook", and much more. The accompanying CD contains the Essential Phrases from each section of the phrase book, enabling you to practice and perfect your pronunciation. You'll never be lost for words with Berlitz.