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Business / Economics

$100 Startup

$100 Startup

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Lead a life of adventure, meaning and purpose--and earn a good living.

"Thoughtful, funny, and compulsively readable, this guide shows how ordinary people can build solid livings, with independence and purpose, on their own terms."--Gretchen Rubin, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Happiness Project

Still in his early thirties, Chris Guillebeau completed a tour of every country on earth and yet he's never held a "real job" or earned a regular paycheck. Rather, he has a special genius for turning ideas into income, and he uses what he earns both to support his life of adventure and to give back.

Chris identified 1,500 individuals who have built businesses earning $50,000 or more from a modest investment (in many cases, $100 or less), and focused on the 50 most intriguing case studies. In nearly all cases, people with no special skills discovered aspects of their personal passions that could be monetized, and were able to restructure their lives in ways that gave them greater freedom and fulfillment.

Here, finally, distilled into one easy-to-use guide, are the most valuable lessons from those who've learned how to turn what they do into a gateway to self-fulfillment. It's all about finding the intersection between your "expertise"--even if you don't consider it such--and what other people will pay for. You don't need an MBA, a business plan or even employees. All you need is a product or service that springs from what you love to do anyway, people willing to pay, and a way to get paid.

Not content to talk in generalities, Chris tells you exactly how many dollars his group of unexpected entrepreneurs required to get their projects up and running; what these individuals did in the first weeks and months to generate significant cash; some of the key mistakes they made along the way, and the crucial insights that made the business stick. Among Chris's key principles: If you're good at one thing, you're probably good at something else; never teach a man to fish--sell him the fish instead; and in the battle between planning and action, action wins.

In ancient times, people who were dissatisfied with their lives dreamed of finding magic lamps, buried treasure, or streets paved with gold. Today, we know that it's up to us to change our lives. And the best part is, if we change our own life, we can help others change theirs. This remarkable book will start you on your way.

1-2-3 Money Plan

1-2-3 Money Plan

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100% Practical, 100% Specific Financial Advice Everyone Can Use: Exactly What to Do and Exactly How to Do It "Greg Karp makes managing your money as easy as 1-2-3. He offers sensible, time-tested advice to help you make smart decisions and get your finances on track." --Liz Pulliam Weston, "The most-read personal finance columnist on the Internet" (Nielsen//NetRatings), author of Easy Money, Your Credit Score, and Deal with Your Debt "I love this book. Greg's simple strategies push you to be smart with your dough and act right away." --Clark Howard, The Clark Howard Show "Within one hour of picking up The 1-2-3 Money Plan, I already had a list of easy next steps to save on several of our household expenses." --Stephanie Nelson, founder of "Greg Karp really knows his stuff, and he lays it out in plain language that will help anyone save money and get financially fit." --Jeff Yeager, author of The Ultimate Cheapskate's Road Map to True Riches "The money you spend on this book should easily be recouped by the time you're only several pages into it!" --Russell Wild, financial advisor, author of Exchange-Traded Funds for Dummies , Bond Investing for Dummies , and Index Investing for Dummies "Greg Karp is a lifesaver for people worried about stretching their dollars in a tough economy. He's no Scrooge. Rather, he nudges you into sound decisions and smart spending." --Gail MarksJarvis, Chicago Tribune personal finance columnist, author of Saving for Retirement Without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery "Today everyone is looking for a quick answer to their financial problems. In The 1-2-3 Money Plan, Greg Karp has created an excellent resource. It's well organized and full of great ideas. But, most importantly, it's written in a language that the average consumer can understand and apply. Many people will thank Greg for helping them survive financially tough times." --Gary Foreman, editor The DollarStretcher Web site, "Greg Karp tells it like it is, with the specificity and candor busy people need. I am saving money already." --Jean Chatzky, author of The Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper in Even the Toughest Times, blogging at Today, frugal is the name of the game. But you don't have to take a vow of poverty: You just have to be smarter about how you spend, save, and invest. Sound hard? Not anymore. In The 1-2-3 Money Plan, top personal finance columnist Greg Karp offers 100% practical, 100% specific financial advice everyone can use...organized into simple three-step plans that tell you exactly what to do and how and where to do it! Discover how to save money by putting your bills on autopilot...which specific brand names to buy in everything from index funds to to improve your credit to get the right insurance, without wasting money on unnecessary coverage...easier ways to save for college and plan for retirement...and a whole lot more. Finally: simple, reliable financial advice you can act on, from an award-winning expert you can trust!
  • Don't be paralyzed by perfection: Be good enough
    Better a good decision now than a perfect decision someday
  • Just set it and forget it
    Make the financial decisions you only need to make once and can then ignore for years
  • Stop wasting money on things you don't care about
    Plug wasteful spending leaks, so you can redirect cash to things you truly care about
  • Easy step-by-step techniques and specific recommendations
    What to buy, in everything from mutual funds to cellphone service
  • 10 Commandments of Money

    10 Commandments of Money

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    A perfect read as a financial primer. Weston's solid and occasionally humorous writing shines through . . . [and] takes this book from being yet another personal finance book to being an enjoyable read I would recommend.--The Simple Dollar

    Millions of us skate by from paycheck to paycheck. We all have financial goals we want (or need) to achieve, but are perplexed by how to get there. But expert financial advisor Liz Weston has carved a path, with ten simple strategies that help anyone avoid critical mistakes, survive downturns, and make the numbers work.

    Debunking well-trod myths (pay down all your debt immediately) while giving unexpectedly brilliant tips (it's okay to let student loans linger), Liz Weston outlines everything you need to become financially viable, including how to:

    - Know what you can afford
    - Create a survival plan with cash and credit
    - Manage good debt to get ahead
    - Save for retirement without sacrificing today

    10 Laws of Career Reinvention

    10 Laws of Career Reinvention

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    Today, career reinvention is the new-and only-form of job security.

    Until recently, most people expected to have one career with maybe two or three job changes in a lifetime. Now, experts advise us to expect seven or eight jobs with multiple industry changes. If you want to survive, you need the ability to transfer and repurpose your skills in a completely new direction.

    In The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention, Pamela Mitchell shows you how your knowledge, experience, and skill sets can be adapted to a wide spectrum of industries and jobs, and provides the tools to help you navigate the full art of career change.

    With ten clear, insightful, and practical "laws," you can:
    *Market your skills to anyone
    *Transition seamlessly from one industry to another
    *Find fulfillment in a career that fits you

    From finding a vision to creating your action plan, The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention walks you through your own path to a new career, with success stories, workbook exercises, and actionable steps to start your new life today.

    10 Laws of Enduring Success

    10 Laws of Enduring Success

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    The times have changed. We need a fresh understanding of the meaning of success.
    What do Condoleezza Rice, Joe Torre, Bill Gates, Goldie Hawn, Mary Hart, Garry Kasparov, and Jack Welch have in common?
    All have talked at length with Maria Bartiromo about business, the world and their surprising, inspiring and uncommon ideas about the meaning of success. Their stories, those of an extraordinary range of other people from all walks of life, and Maria Bartiromo's personal insights are the foundation of The 10 Laws of Enduring Success. It is the guide for the extraordinary times we are living through.

    During bullish, optimistic periods, people seem to ride an upward wave with ease and confidence. The tangible evidence is right there for all to see--in their jobs, bank accounts, homes, families, and the admiration of their peers. But it is a fact of life that success, once earned, is not necessarily there to stay. If ever there was a cautionary tale about the fleeting nature of success, it is the events of recent years.
    But a funny thing happened. Faced with gut-wrenching realities, many people have started to re-evaluate the meaning of success in less superficial and impermanent ways. They're asking themselves hard questions that have
    long been ignored: about what's really important to them, and where the bedrock of their personal achievement lies.
    As Maria Bartiromo watched the financial drama from her front-row seat at the New York Stock Exchange, she began to re-assess the meaning of success--not just as one-off achievements, but as a durable, lifelong pursuit. Is there, she wondered, a definition of success that you can have permanently--in spite of the turmoil in your life, your job, or your bank account? This question is more important than ever, given the unpredictability of the current economy.
    --What are the intangibles that can't be measured or counted?
    --What are the qualities that aren't reflected in your title or on your business card?
    --And more practically, how can you remain successful even when the worst things happen to you?
    --Is it possible to build success from failure? It's lonely at the bottom of the heap, when your BlackBerry stops buzzing, and the world moves on without you.
    Everyone wants to be close to success, and to have success. But what is success? How do you get it, and how do you keep it? As Maria interviewed some of the most successful people in the world, she felt the need to answer these questions: what makes these success stories tick? How did they achieve such leadership and power and how can one hold onto it, once you get it. What are the barriers to success and what is the bedrock to enduring success?
    10 Make or Break Career Moments

    10 Make or Break Career Moments

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    Find the Right Words at the Right Time

    There are key moments in the course of every career when the right words can make a life-changing, career-altering difference. If you are someone who thinks of the perfect thing to say only after the moment has passed, this savvy guide to smart communication will save the day. In ten focused and articulate chapters, veteran communications consultant Casey Hawley provides spot-on strategies for responding confidently and making a positive and powerful impression when:

    - You meet an executive or other key business contact
    - You meet the interviewer for your next job
    - You are offered a job
    - You are in a performance review (including asking for a raise)
    - You meet your new team
    - You are fired
    - A challenge to your ethics, loyalty, or future arises
    - You resign from a job
    - Conflict arises with a coworker or other businessperson
    - You are recognized for excellence

    Arm yourself with this helpful and empowering guide and prepare to succeed in every make-or-break moment you encounter. Whether you're looking for a new job or facing an important discussion in your current position, Hawley helps you develop the interpersonal skills you'll need to navigate these critical conversations with clarity and conviction.

    10 Pillars of Wealth

    10 Pillars of Wealth

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    Think like a multimillionaire: leave the 9 to 5 behind. The world has led you to believe that financial freedom is not something you can willfully create in your life. You have been taught to view wealth as something that happens only to a lucky few who win a random business lottery or are blessed with unimaginable talent. The TRUTH is that creating excessive financial wealth does not come down to luck or talent. It comes down simply to your beliefs, understanding, and views--the "pillars" that reinforce your every action. Alex Becker not only breaks down the most important pillars for you but also shows you how to bring them into your life TODAY to begin generating lifelong financial freedom. Discover how to: Successfully quit your 9 to 5 and take back your life without taking massive financial risks, Separate your time from money so that you are constantly getting paid (even in your sleep), Understand the lessons multimillionaires have learned through years of trial and error, Map out the exact steps needed to build million-dollar businesses, Skip time-wasting mistakes and learn how to make money quickly by focusing solely on what gets you paid.
    10 Secrets I Learned from the Apprentice

    10 Secrets I Learned from the Apprentice

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    Whalen examines the hit NBC reality show "The Apprentice," offering a guide to all the players and recaps of each episode, and presents tips for success gleaned from the show's first season.
    10 Steps to Successful Business Writing

    10 Steps to Successful Business Writing

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    In Today's Business World, You Are What You Write Good writing can launch a career. It has the power to break through clutter and capture readers' imaginations. And good writing is not just a skill that marketers must master. Most workplace communication takes written form, and with the rising number of communication channels--social media, instant messaging, blogs--we're writing more and faster than ever. With new chapters on electronic communication, 10 Steps to Successful Business Writing is your guide to capturing readers' attention and imagination. Writing instructor and coach, Jack Appleman uses examples and exercises to help you write with clarity and confidence. This updated edition covers the essentials of how to organize your text to hold your readers' attention; edit yourself for grammar, tone, and excess words; and master the documents for any workplace situation. It doesn't matter if you're drafting a business plan, an email, or a Facebook post. Forget the shorthand, drop the exclamation points, and ditch the emojis. Learn to create concise, persuasive, and powerful text with 10 Steps to Successful Business Writing.
    100 Best Business Books of All Time

    100 Best Business Books of All Time

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    Thousands of business books are published every year-- Here are the best of the best

    After years of reading, evaluating, and selling business books, Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten are among the most respected experts on the category. Now they have chosen and reviewed the one hundred best business titles of all time--the ones that deliver the biggest payoff for today's busy readers.

    The 100 Best Business Books of All Time puts each book in context so that readers can quickly find solutions to the problems they face, such as how best to spend The First 90 Days in a new job or how to take their company from Good to Great. Many of the choices are surprising--you'll find reviews of Moneyball and Orbiting the Giant Hairball, but not Jack Welch's memoir.

    At the end of each review, Jack and Todd direct readers to other books both inside and outside The 100 Best. And sprinkled throughout are sidebars taking the reader beyond business books, suggesting movies, novels, and even children's books that offer equally relevant insights.

    This guide will appeal to anyone, from entry-level to CEO, who wants to cut through the clutter and discover the brilliant books that are truly worth their investment of time and money.

    100 Best Business Books of All Time

    100 Best Business Books of All Time

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    Thousands of business books are published every year Here are the best of the best
    After years of reading, evaluating, and selling business books, Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten are among the most respected experts on the category. Now they have chosen and reviewed the one hundred best business titles of all time the ones that deliver the biggest payoff for today s busy readers.
    The 100 Best Business Books of All Time puts each book in context so that readers can quickly find solutions to the problems they face, such as how best to spend The First 90 Days in a new job or how to take their company from Good to Great. Many of the choices are surprising you ll find reviews of Moneyball and Orbiting the Giant Hairball, but not Jack Welch s memoir.
    At the end of each review, Jack and Todd direct readers to other books both inside and outside The 100 Best. And sprinkled throughout are sidebars taking the reader beyond business books, suggesting movies, novels, and even children s books that offer equally relevant insights.
    This guide will appeal to anyone, from entry-level to CEO, who wants to cut through the clutter and discover the brilliant books that are truly worth their investment of time and money."
    100 Best Business Books of All Time

    100 Best Business Books of All Time

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    Thousands of business books are published every year Here are the best of the best
    After years of reading, evaluating, and selling business books, Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten are among the most respected experts on the category. Now they have chosen and reviewed the one hundred best business titles of all time the ones that deliver the biggest payoff for today s busy readers.
    "The 100 Best Business Books of All Time" puts each book in context so that readers can quickly find solutions to the problems they face, such as how best to spend "The First 90 Days" in a new job or how to take their company from "Good to Great." Many of the choices are surprising you ll find reviews of "Moneyball" and "Orbiting the Giant Hairball," but not Jack Welch s memoir.
    At the end of each review, Jack and Todd direct readers to other books both inside and outside "The 100 Best." And sprinkled throughout are sidebars taking the reader beyond business books, suggesting movies, novels, and even children s books that offer equally relevant insights.
    This guide will appeal to anyone, from entry-level to CEO, who wants to cut through the clutter and discover the brilliant books that are truly worth their investment of time and money."
    100-Year Life

    100-Year Life

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    Shortlisted for the FT/McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award, The 100-Year Life explores how living to 100 will have a profound effect on society and the economy, and result in a complete restructuring of everyone's professional and personal lives.

    Drawing on the unique pairing of their experience in psychology and economics, Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott offer an analysis to help you rethink retirement, your finances, your education, your career, and your relationships to create a fulfilling 100-year life.

    Many of us have been raised on the traditional notion of a three-stage approach to our working lives: education, followed by work and then retirement. But this well-established pathway is already beginning to collapse--life expectancy is rising, final-salary pensions are vanishing, and increasing numbers of people are juggling multiple careers. Whether you are 18, 45, or 60, you will need to do things very differently from previous generations and learn to structure your life in completely new ways.

    The 100-Year Life is a wake-up call that describes the choices and options that you will face in the age of longevity. It is also fundamentally a call to action for individuals, politicians, firms, and governments and offers the clearest demonstration that a 100-year life can be a wonderful and inspiring one.

    101 Things I Learned in Business School

    101 Things I Learned in Business School

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    101 THINGS I LEARNED(R) IN BUSINESS SCHOOL will cover a wide range of lessons that are basic enough for the novice business student as well as inspiring to the experienced practitioner.

    The unique packaging of this book will attract people of all ages who have always wondered whether business school would be a smart career choice for them. Judging by the growing number of people taking the GMATs (the entrance exam for business school) each year, clearly more people than ever are thinking about heading in this direction.

    Subjects include accounting, finance, marketing, management, leadership, human relations, and much more - in short, everything one would expect to encounter in business school.

    Illustrated in the same fun, gift book format as 101 THINGS I LEARNED(R) IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL, this will be the perfect gift for a recent college or high school grad, or even for someone already well-versed in the business world.

    101 Tips For Marketing Your Services

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    101 Ways to Save Money on Healthcare

    101 Ways to Save Money on Healthcare

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    Read Cynthia Koelker's blogs and other content on the Penguin Community.
    Dr. Cynthia Koelker gives us the inside scoop on how to save money at the doctor's office and still get great care. Even if you have insurance, 101 Ways to Save Money on Health Care will still help you save your hard-earned cash.
    -Elizabeth Cohen, MPH, CNN senior medical correspondent, author of The Empowered Patient

    For over twenty years, Ohio-based family physician Dr. Cynthia J. Koelker has made it her mission to help people lower their health care expenses. Now, in 101 Ways to Save Money on Health Care, Dr. Koelker shares her insider tips and information so that you too can save hundreds (even thousands!) without sacrificing your health.

    101 Ways is loaded with simple, easy-to-understand tips on topics that everyone will find useful, including:

    *How to save money on brand name drugs
    *How to cut costs for chronic problems-from asthma to allergies
    *How to ask for a hospital discount (it's easier than you think!)
    *Ways to save money on glasses and contacts
    *What websites you can trust to give you the best health information

    Whether you are uninsured, or just looking to save money, this invaluable guide will show you how to stay healthy and hold onto your hard-earned dollars.

    10x Marketing Formula: Your Blueprint for Creating 'competition-Free Content' That Stands Out and Gets Results

    10x Marketing Formula: Your Blueprint for Creating 'competition-Free Content' That Stands Out and Gets Results

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    The dream of content marketing is that it's going to be a magical funnel that drips money into your bank account. Its lure is that it will create an inbound sales machine.

    But what should you do when it doesn't work like that? Or even at all?

    That's the question this book is here to answer. It's a formula that will show you exactly what to do (and how to do it) to achieve tenfold marketing results. This means the return you can expect will be ten times over what you put in.

    It's the exact formula author Garrett Moon used to grow his startup CoSchedule from zeroes across the board to: 1.3M+ monthly pageviews, 250k+ email subscribers, and thousands of customers in 100 countries... just 4 years.

    You will learn to overcome a lack of time, struggling to produce content, an inability to engage your audience, and so many more marketing roadblocks.

    If you think marketing success belongs only to elite geniuses or those with huge budgets, think again-10x marketers achieve 10x growth regardless of their limitations.

    This book is about finding the strategic shortcuts to get you to results fast. It's about short-circuiting the path to jaw-dropping growth. You have to find your own way-and The 10x Marketing Formula is that path.

    You'll learn why Jay Baer calls it: "A powerful formula for marketing success; thoroughly modern and proven to succeed. This is a book for marketers that want to win."

    And why Michael Hyatt says: "Garrett Moon is one of my favorites to follow because he combines the edge of a fearless startup CEO with the savvy of a marketer who's scaled a successful business. The 10x Marketing Formula challenges you to rethink your goals and definitions of success and, more importantly, how you employ strategic shortcuts to achieve them."

    So, if you're ready to look like a marketing genius and revolutionize your results (and mindset), you've just found your path.

    Get excited like Marcus Sheridan, who says: "Often, books like this are a disappointment. They're long on ideas, short on actionability. This is not one of those books. Garrett Moon delivers on the promise of providing a blueprint for the most differentiating and results-driven content marketing of your career."

    111 Lead Generation Techniques

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    Paperback Fiction

    Night Watch
    Fox Wife
    By: Choo, Yangsze
    Book of Love
    By: Link, Kelly
    Fate Inked in Blood
    By: Jensen, Danielle L
    Deep End
    By: Hazelwood, Ali
    Dream Girl Drama
    By: Bailey, Tessa
    By: Laestadius, Ann-Helén
    Greta & Valdin
    By: Reilly, Rebecca K
    Angel of Indian Lake
    By: Jones, Stephen Graham

    Hardcover Non-Fiction

    Dead Sea
    By: Arielli, Nir
    Harder I Fight the More I Love You
    By: Case, Neko
    Original Sins
    By: Ewing, Eve L
    Memorial Days
    By: Brooks, Geraldine
    Three Wild Dogs and the truth
    By: Zusak, Markus
    Black in Blues
    By: Perry, Imani
    Food for Thought
    By: Brown, Alton
    Source Code
    By: Gates, Bill
    Brooke Shields Is Not Allowed to Get Old
    By: Shields, Brooke

    Hardcover Fiction

    Forest Kings Daughter
    Author: Blake, Elly
    People of Means
    Author: Johnson, Nancy
    Bones Beneath My Skin
    Author: Klune, Tj
    You Are Fatally Invited
    Author: Pliego, Ande
    Emily Wildes Compendium of Lost Tales
    Author: Fawcett, Heather
    We All Live Here
    Author: Moyes, Jojo
    Harlem Rhapsody
    Author: Murray, Victoria Christopher
    Waiting for the Long Night Moon
    Author: Peters, Amanda
    Blood Ties
    Author: Nesbo, Jo